Pick up Brass?

We do not build-in time for picking-up spent brass, but if there is any spare time between stages, it can be done. I usually wait until the match is over, and can still get most of my brass. In my area, even as brass gets more and more expensive, a lot of shooters of .40 and 9mm seem to just try to find the best deal on brass, rather than pick it up. When I started shooting, over ten years ago now, it was as normal to have your squad mates pick your brass for you, as it was for them to tape targets, but I rarely ever see that, now.
We have people picking up brass while others tape targets and set up steel; our club actualy frowns upon you bending over to retreive brass(breaking the 180). Practical shooting depends on volunteers to do all of the above.
We have people that pick up "most" of your brass after you shoot a stage while targets are being reset, tapped etc. We don't spend a lot of time trying to get every piece because it takes up too much time. After the match is over, everyone is free to retrieve whatever is left.
our club actualy frowns upon you bending over to retreive brass(breaking the 180). Practical shooting depends on volunteers to do all of the above.

I'm curious as to just how you break the 180 bending over? Do you mean your muzzle moves that far to the rear while in your holster?

At our matches, the shooter is free to pick up his/her brass while the others score and paste.

Yes, when your gun is holstered and you bend at the waist, your muzzle points to the rear. If I have to pick anything up at all I bend at the knees.
do they return the brass back to you or is it dumped in a pile? I never shot at a pistol action match, Something to know before I get involved in it.
A lot of guys at my club have bags(oddly most of them are Crown Royal bags:o) in or attached to their range bags that we put their brass in.
Yes, when your gun is holstered and you bend at the waist, your muzzle points to the rear. If I have to pick anything up at all I bend at the knees.

I guess I squat as well. Never thought of bending with all that crap on me though our club group does not prohibit this as all guns are "cold" unless we are the shooter at the line for a COF.

When I pick up brass after another shooter, I return it to that shooter. Mostly the space gun guys shooting 38 super. They all reload and want their brass back.

Every club does it different. At one club I shot at, they asigned what everyone in the squad did. Example: John and Jim paste, Ron wites scores, Ken and Bill pick brass, etc. At most clubs some paste and some pick brass, just look around and see what needs to be done. Some clubs no one picks it, as my targets are scored I am picking my brass as we walk.

So, there is no answer. I always get most my brass, but lose some. I buy once fired brass so its not a big deal.
Time to police brass is not built in to my club's matches. I tend to be one of the few 45 shooters on a squad, so I can get my brass anytime before we go to the next stage. Usually there is some time between teardown and the results being posted, so I try to find the rest of mine. This is ok by club rules (some clubs may not allow this).

Yes, when your gun is holstered and you bend at the waist, your muzzle points to the rear. If I have to pick anything up at all I bend at the knees.
Wow. So, sitting on chairs and benches is banned as well.

I would think that a holstered weapon is "cold"
The clubs I have been to adhere to this. And, the only USPSA Nationals I have been to (Multigun, twice) allowed us to bend over and sit.

No time but do your part too

No extra time is built in for people to pick up brass and please do keep in mind that everyone needs to put in their time to paste targets, reset the stage and help keep time.

If your only picking up brass then your cheating the others in your squad, since they have to pick up your slack so everyone can have a good time and get home at a decent hour.
In my club we usually have people helping to police up our brass whilst others are patching out the targets and writing scores. Most or us reload our own ammo so picking up our brass is pretty much second nature.
RO = Range Officer. Gives commands to the shooter on the shooting line to load and make ready for a stage. Then starts the timer ("BEEEP!") and follows the shooter in the course of fire to ensure it is safely completed. Like an SO in IDPA.

I just have to bring my brass bucket and the fellas shooting with me are nice enough to pick it up for me and deposit it in my bucket while reseting after strings of fire. I also do the same for them.;)
Quote: "No extra time is built in for people to pick up brass and please do keep in mind that everyone needs to put in their time to paste targets, reset the stage and help keep time.

If your only picking up brass then your cheating the others in your squad, since they have to pick up your slack so everyone can have a good time and get home at a decent hour."
I've never seen this attitude at the dozen or so clubs in three states I have shot in, I hope its a local thing there. Shoots on the State and higer level may be considered "loss brass" matches, but the club level most guys just don't have or want to throw their money/brass away. Maybe the shooters in your area are in a much higher income tax bracket....