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Photography Questions - Help?


New member
Don't know exactly where to post this topic so moderators do your stuff. I am an "older American" and a lot of this technology stuff is bewildering but I'm trying my best to learn a bit here and there. My immediate challenge is how to sucessfully post a picture of my pistol to TFL. The problem is file size. Whatever picture I have attached I get a message that it exceeds the size allowed for posting. My digital cameral has three levels of resolution (good, better, best) and even at the lowest level (good) using JPEG format the resulting images are about 294,000 bytes and the limit for posting seems to be 206,000 bytes. How do I deal with this problem? Thanks in advance for ideas and suggestions. Good shooting:)
That can be very frustrating for those unfamiliar. I make websites, dvd's, enhanced cdroms etc... You'll need a proram that reduce the image size. Good software can usually reduce the size with no noticable loss. I have to reduce images all the time for ebay. But I contribute great images to my success on ebay. If that is over your head, email me the picture and I will reduce it for you.

Flex :D

You might also check to see if your camera allows you to select the image size. I suspect that your good, better, best setting controls .jpeg compression. See if there is an image size setting, probably on either side of the compression setting, and set the image as small as possible. Probably 640X480.

Tried the Suggestions!

And they worked!


Read both your suggestions and began to tinker with my camera settings. The Quality Settings (under resolution) were the aformentioned good, better, and best. The next item on the menu was a choice of resolution at "full size" or 1/4 size. Noodling with both your suggestions I chose the "good" quality setting and the "1/4 size" and tried it. Holy Cow it worked! I posted the picture. Many, many, many, thanks. Good shooting:)
You can also use pics as big as you want if you store them elsewhere online and use the IMG tag to display them here.
Since dairycreek's got his satisfactory answer, I'll steal this thread & ask where the heck is my darned photoeditor!? :confused:

Formatted my drive (all back & snazzt) but the photo editor has taken a leave of absense.

Thought the thing was part of MS98 ..... anybody got a clue?
Here's a Pic!

This is a new CZ 85 Combat with a FIST IWB #44 clip holster. Good shooting:)


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