Phosphate? or Melonite?

I use some phosphate on the melons in the garden. Phosphate is being phased out of most grass fertilizers-bad for lakes and streams. Causes algea and all kinds of things to grow in super abundance.
Phosphate is a metal treatment to impart corrosion resistance. Still one of the better finishes on the market for someone making a "hard use" rifle.

Melonite is a a metal treatment to impart corrosion resistance which also has the added benefit of being hard and "slick" very similar to chrome, which will allow the bore to last longer than that of an untreated barrel.

If I were to choose between the two with no regard to cost I would choose melonite.

Zinc phosphate and manganese phosphate are the chemical terms for Parkerizing .I provides a rough surface which holds oil well though the finish itself offers little as far as corrosion resistance.
Melonite is a case hardening treatment that offers a wear and corrosion resistant finish.