Phony Support for Phony Conservatives


New member
I really like this idea he expresses in the first few paragraphs!

The site:

The article:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Phony support
for phony conservatism
Plus: Fostergate -- again


© 1999

As I so often do, I received an e-mail from a reader yesterday containing an idea that was not only funny as hell but practical and would certainly prove a great point when it comes to demonstrating "support" for phony "conservative" Republican candidates like Gov. George W. Bush.
The reader informed me that when she receives a GOP contribution form in the mail, she promptly inserts a $500 bill -- made of Monopoly money -- then sends it back to the Republican National Committee. Her logic? Simple: "I send phony money to phony conservatives."

What a great concept. And I do believe that RNC campaign headquarters ought to get that message. I'm already waiting for my next RNC contribution form because I have a whole wad of phony Monopoly money I wish to send, along with a note that echoes the sentiments of the fine lady who e-mailed me this strategy.

Considering that the Republican leadership has become a straw man in the sense that common social and economic conservatives are getting squeezed out by a rush to "be more moderate," I think this kind of message is warranted en masse.

Just yesterday, while following up on a story I am writing for WorldNetDaily, I had the opportunity to call "Dubya's" campaign headquarters to ask a specific question relating to the growth of his gubernatorial administration since he came to office in Texas. One of the conservative calls to action when Bush first ran for governor was that his competitor -- liberal Ann Richardson -- was genuine in her belief that the Texas state government should be more, bigger and "better" as it relates to being micro-managed by D.C. politicians. Bush's message was, simply, "Elect me and we'll put an end to this growth garbage." That was a good message; it parroted one of the best -- albeit former -- principles of the Republican Party: Smaller government is better government.

However since Bush took office, his administration has grown some 38 percent. And, quite naturally, I wanted to know if that growth would translate into federal growth if he were elected to the Oval Office.

Well, the "press gal" I spoke with met that question with such obvious contempt and derision in her voice that it told me neither Bush nor his people are interested in American constitutional principles -- namely that a free press ought to be asking such questions and that the American people have a right to know whether or not his administration would make the government get larger.

To blazes with these people. I've had it with all of them.

First of all, I'm sick to death of hearing how Dubya is the "savior" of the conservative cause in this country, especially when his gubernatorial record doesn't show that and especially since we don't even know what he stands for. Furthermore, when his own press people treat such pertinent questions about his record with such hubris, my gut reaction is to label all of them what they portend to be: Phony with a capital "P."

Secondly, if the majority of ostensibly conservative Americans want to bend over and kiss the asphalt these phonies tread upon, let them. As for me, I'm done championing the right causes for the wrong people.

I don't know how many times conservatives can say it: "Mr. Bush, if you alienate the truly conservative wing of the GOP, you will not get their support in 2000, which means you may not win the election." How much simpler can it be? Even "mainstream" Republicans and GOP commentators have publicly acknowledged this alienation and the danger it poses to Bush's candidacy. But you know something? You can't get committed fascists to change their mind when they're still in relative control of the country's destiny. So why should they listen to us "wackos?"

We may not have a snowball's chance in the anti-christ's chamber of winning the White House in 2000, but if enough third party Americans see through the dirt, grime and obfuscation that is modern mainstream politics, there won't be many congressional allies on Capitol Hill for whomever watches Bill Clinton tread off to Hollywood. And that's key -- let the big phonies have their White House; real conservatives need to take over the states and federal congressional seats, regardless of which party they represent.

If enough Alan Keyeses and Pat Buchanans and Bob Smiths are on hand to usher in Bush, Gore or Bradley in 2000, there won't be any need to occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Congressional conservatives of various parties that won't take "compromise" for an answer will hold big government advocates from either major party in check.

If nearly eight years of Clinton scandal -- with GOP-controlled congressional support -- doesn't convince card-carrying Republicans that their party is as bankrupt as the First Felon is, I don't know what will.

So send your Monopoly money today. Let Bush, the GOP and the Democrats know your support is as real as they are. If they won't listen to reason now, then let them listen to brick wall opposition for the next millennium. Let them watch their fascism and statism die a slow death before their eyes.

Let them know the feeling of "powerlessness." After all, it's their turn; ordinary Americans have felt powerless for far too long. [snip]


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
referal #2005932
Two days ago, a representative of the Republican Party called me and had me
listen to a short speech about RKBA from Tom DeLay. (Is he Majority

After the recorded message, she asked me for a one time gift of $100.

I asked her to confirm the amount - she did.

I then explained very politely that she had established the amount I was going
to give to a third party.

She asked why, and I said that DeLay had made such a one-sided marketing
ploy that it bordered on lying. She let me explain that:
- the Democrats were able to implement gun control only with the assistance of
the Republicans;
- the Republicans have their own gun control agenda (and I rattled off several
- the Republicans have promised us both more gun control and compromises
with the Democratic party on their gun control agenda; and
- the Republicans implemented gun control and called it crime control.

Therefore, to represent Republicans as supporters of the Second Amendment
was a lie.

Considering our current President, I am fed up with the lies of both parties and
I would give my support to a third party which represents in fact, what the
Republicans ignore in their party platform.

I explained that I have voted mostly Republican for nearly forty years - I have
not left the party. They left me. If they abandon their attempts to be
Democrats and return the Republican ideals of the past, they would find me
waiting there - where I have been for forty years.

Until then, I will oppose the Democratic political machine and their Republican

(The conversation continued a few minutes along these lines.)
Here's an idea by L. Neil Smith on how to whip the Republican party back into line with their alleged platform.

Any time you find a race in which the Republican candidate won by 5% or less, concentrate on that race. Throw your support behind the third-party challenger who supports gun rights, and don't forget to tell the Republican why you're doing it. Cost that candidate the race, and sooner or later you cost the Republicans majorities. Do you think they'd figure out where they went wrong then?

Oh, I know that means the Democrats will win; you see, that's the stick. The carrot we're dangling is quite easily reached, for all but fools: simply support the unalienable right to keep and bear arms, and we will give you our votes.

Unfortunately for us, I don't think elephants like carrots.

"...the probability of the people in power being individuals who would dislike the possession and exercise of power is on a level with the probability that an extremely tender-hearted person would get the job of whipping-master in a slave plantation."
Prof. Frank H. Knight