Phonecall from Bill Jefferson Clinton

Ed Brunner

New member
True story. Honest! Bill Jefferson Clinton called me at home this afternoon.
We are having some local and state elections here in MS and I guess he is bored. Anyhow he asked me to vote for the democrat candidates. Can you believe it???
Yes it was a recorded message,but it certainly was an honor.

Better days to be,

"An honor"? ED, are you alright?
You sound feverish, maybe delusional. Get ahold of yourself man! See a doctor immediately, you are certianly not yourself! :)
Grayfox; You saw right through me on that one. Actually I was really surprised that he would do that and then why call me??
Do you think they are watching us? If they are they should know that I aint about to do him any favors. :)

Better days to be,


For you:
- Wear gloves and eye protection.
- Scrub thoroughly with anti-bacterial soap after finishing decontamination procedures!

For your telephone:
- Use a solution of one part bleach and nine parts water (tap water will do).
- Soak all "bleach-safe" parts for 15-20 minutes. Then place on clean side of sink.
- Remove (or replace) gloves, rinse parts in tap water, dry, etc.

For your peace of mind and your reputation:
- Have your attorneys (plural) contact the Democrats and ensure you are not listed as a Clinton supporter

In case of accidental contamination, KYAGB!
(Kiss your A.. Good Bye!!!) ;)

I've got one word for you--HALLOWEEN.

Just thinking about him gives me the creeps.

YES ED! You've been slimed and contaminated by the one and only Slickmeister.
I'd pray for you but sometimes the Big GUY can't even help.
Shoot 500 extra rounds this week and get a new phone number!

Hate to burst your bubble.... but as a recorded message, I imagine that most if not all of the people in the state received the same phone call. Just their slick way to get people to vote for them.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
When you first picked up the phone was there a representative on the line to tell you Klinton had a message for you and whether you wanted to hear it ? If that ever happens again,Tell them you don't want to hear it and to put you on their "DO NOT CALL" list. Get the reps name and ID # if they have one. After that it is a federal crime to call you for I believe one year. The same goes for any company selling crap on the phone.
Ed, I didn't get a call yet. Either they haven't worked their way to Madison Co. yet or they know that you are much more democratic than I am! ROTFLMFAO!
You got any of that screen cleaner? I don't know what DC uses for Dr. Pepper, I need something that works for Bud!
I did not get a call from Bill either.My fellings has been hurt beyond repair.I guess
I'll have to vote REPUBLICAN again ;^) .
I sure hope this call wasn't made "on the clock". That just wouldn't be right. Then again he is king of the freaking universe.
Couldnt you go after him for prank calls?
I would file a police report on that one!

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud