Phoenix TFL shootout


New member
Hey all,

Victor Louis and I were planning on getting together and going shooting this weekend. What do all of you TFLers from the Phoenix area think about gathering somewhere and going blasting?! Maybe a chance to meet each other, trade training and tips, and shoot guns that you don't have that someone else might. Just a thought. If it sounds a little too gay-Paris (as Ron Wolfley likes to say), then nevermind.
Tell me where you are going to be, and I might swing by. Not sure if I can make it but I will try.
I will probably be bringing along some friends though, since we always shoot on weekends.
I like the area out on Ellesworth road by Rio Salado/Tanto Nat'l park, the the shooting range (but not on the range, so it is free) know, about 7 miles north of the Superstition freeway on the left hand side of Ellesworth.

I will be shooting steel at that range on Tuesdays too, it is a blast, you should try it if you haven't.
Ps- Does this have anything to do with the shooting gathering of the guys over at GlockTalk?
Phoenix area guys on GlockTalk are doing the same thing one of these weekends coming up. Maybe we should all get together.

[This message has been edited by CassandraComplex (edited March 23, 2000).]

Vic and I are going out to a "hidden treasure" range that not many frequent on Sunday. I'll leave it up to him if he wants to disclose that info. (Plus I don't know where it is) Is the area you're referring to known as the "pit"? You know, the one where you used to be able to drive down into, but now they have it fenced off and you have to park just along Ellsworth and walk? I used to go there all the time too, but now I see a lot of gang bangers trying out their new "A to the mother f-in K, homeboy" rifles. That goes the same for the area across the street where they have that locked gate and logs.

How do I get hooked up with the steel shoots? Sounds like fun!
Yes, I was referring to "the Pit". I see gang bangers there too. Bugs me, but I guess it is their Right too as long as they are not felons (yet).
I called the cops on one group that had a full auto out there. I highly doubt they had a class 3 permit for it ;) They waited until they thought everyone was gone before they let loose with it.

I would love to go with you guys on Sunday if you go. I have to admit I would like to know of your "secret spot" to shoot is because I hate going to the pit. I have a good spot too out toward Globe but it is a hefty drive.

I can tell you more about the steel shoot if you want. Basically, just show up at the Rio Salado (is that the name of it?) range (right there next to "the Pit") on any Tuesday night at 6:30. Go through an intro course, pay $9 to compete and you are in. It is an IPSC shoot I believe, and it is very fun shooting reactive steel in the scenarios. Brian Enos and Rob Leathem shoot in the match often, so it is fun to watch them shoot too.