Philly OC'er held at gunpoint, charged

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If you have a weak stomach, don't read this article. Fiorino was minding his own business when a uniformed officer came up behind, held him at gunpoint, told him (incorrectly) OCing is illegal, threatened to kill him, cuffed him, and cussed him out for 40 minutes until dispach finally told him open carry is legal. Now Fiorino is being charged by the DA with reckless endangerment and disorderly conduct. Complete and utter lawlessness in Philly, from the cops and the DA. This is just unfreaking believable.
#1 Get a really good lawyer.

#2 Sue the pants of everybody involved for a whole hellacious amount of money.

#3 Remove the DA and send the cop somewhere for remedial education and a severe attitude adjustment.
I listened to the audio on You Tube. Does anyone else think that the guy should have just gotten down on the ground like the cops asked? Why would someone argue with a cop that has a gun pointed at them even if he/she knows that they are not doing anything illegal? Things are already passed the talking phase.
The guy by all means should have kept his mouth shut and did what the LEO said. That being said I think this guy was testing the waters on purpose to get something on tape. I do not have a problem with that either. But if a cop tells you to do something your best to do it. Once an LEO goes down that road there is no turning back. Your talking about a ******* contest that could go wrong real quick.
Do what your told now, save everyone's face, raise hell later.

I bet all the Philly LEO's know the law now.
Has anyone confirmed the Philly law?

If the CCL guy was right about his rights the Officers have a lot more to answer to than he does. I doubt the law states that LEO's can flip out and then let go anyone who is following the law.

The thing here that bothers me the most is not the way anyone behaved, it is why was there a miscommunication of the this magnitude? Someone could be dead over this. Why was there confusion in the first place?
Sounds like a lot of people need to get together at a public rally, inform the police they will be exercising their right to carry and then have a picnic. The police would be hard pressed to arrest twenty or thirty people who are peacefully carrying at a preplanned event.

Send notices to local media outlets and inform them of the event and why it was being held.

The cop needs to be fired for the abusive language he used. It sounds like he was the one who was trying to escalate the situation.
I don't think the police would have a problem with arresting that many people if they had a mind to. Either way, someone is being just a little foolish. The end result may not be what you hoped for.
The guy by all means should have kept his mouth shut and did what the LEO said. That being said I think this guy was testing the waters on purpose to get something on tape.

Yup. Streetside with a beat cop is not the place to argue your rights. Later in court is the place for that battle.
I listened to the audio on You Tube. Does anyone else think that the guy should have just gotten down on the ground like the cops asked? Why would someone argue with a cop that has a gun pointed at them even if he/she knows that they are not doing anything illegal? Things are already passed the talking phase.

I agree with you 100%. Comply first, argue (or litigate) later.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tablet using Tapatalk Pro.
Here are some facts:

This type of response has become a regular occurrence in Philly. In spite of the fact that all police departments in the Commonwealth having been informed that open carry is legal. That information is now a standard as part of officer training.

Yes, it could have been worse. Case in point, there was an ODPPD who shot a young man by the name of Josh Taylor for doing nothing other than openly carrying a handgun. Mr Taylor is in critical condition and has been in hospital for over a month. Story here:

This past weekend an open carry march/rally/protest was held in the city of Philadelphia to highlight this very issue. Approximately 30 people attended without incident. Info about that here:

There is much more info available at:
Another fact worthy of note is that the city of Philadelphia has a mayor and city council who are openly anti-gun, in spite of the laws of the Commonwealth.

It needs pointing out that the job of public officials/public servants is to uphold the law not go with their own program regardless of what the legislature has enacted as the law.
I listened to the whole thing. Honestly, I think the cop was just genuinely afraid of getting shot and was acting accordingly. Once he learned that the guy was no threat he sounded like a fairly reasonable guy.

The backup guys were much more aggressive, but then if you look at it from their point of view - all they know is, they've been called to the scene where an officer is confronting an armed individual and needs backup. So they naturally err on the side of caution.

Really, the guy could have been more reasonable with the cops. It wouldn't have killed him to comply with the original officer's instructions. He could have continued to protest verbally without any risk. I agree that the cops were ultimately in the wrong - they don't know the law, and they should. But all the same, the way the thread and the article are presented, I was expecting a blatant, wanton abuse of the guys civil rights, and I just don't see it here.
What is the PA law as to CC? Is that an option?

I ask because this is exactly the response I'd expect if I OC'd in my city, Seattle. Despite the fact that OC is perfectly legal.
You don't see it?,,,

I was expecting a blatant, wanton abuse of the guys civil rights, and I just don't see it here.

Perhaps I am thin skinned,,,
But no one on this shiny green planet,,,
Has the right to curse at me and expect me to submit.

Cops are not supposed to be thugs.

Wait until this happens to you and see if your attitude doesn't change a bit.
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