phase 2


New member
Sadly, not enough signatures were collected to bring the SB23 Referendum to the ballot box. We've lost this battle, but the we are still fighting the war...and we must win!

Phase 2 starts Monday, 10-18. An attempt will be made to amend the California Constitution. Metcalf has some exciting changes and strategies in mind. Apparently, there will be more ways for us non-Californians to help, such as the ability to donate money.

I know I'm simply restating the obvious, but this is IMPORTANT! Check it all out in detail with the latest sitrep at

[This message has been edited by BAB (edited October 16, 1999).]
Ok, this time around they've realized you can't accomplish much without money, and they're going to be accepting donations... which gives those of us who DON'T live in Kalifornia a way to help.

Now, a question I'm curious about, that I didn't see answered in today's "sitrep"; How many signatures DID they collect? Was it a pathetic failure, a noble effort, a very near miss?

And do I read their proposed amendment correctly, in that you could still be stripped of your right to keep and bear arms based on a protective restraining order without any actual finding by a court that you've committed a crime, let alone having been convicted of a felony by a jury of your peers? Does the Veto the Governor crowd actually LIKE the Lautenberg amendment???

The text:

The inalienable right to defend life and liberty as set forth in Article I, Section 1 of the California Constitution includes the fundamental right of each person to keep and bear arms for the defense of self, family and home. This right shall not be infringed.

1. All State and local government action regulating the right of law-abiding persons to acquire and possess arms for the defense of self, family, and home, shall be subject to strict scrutiny, in the same respect as the freedoms of speech and the press.

2 This Amendment does not limit the State or local governments from regulating the acquisition and possession of arms by: felons, minors, the mentally incompetent, and any person subject to the restraining orders based upon their own violent conduct.
Sic semper tyranus!

[This message has been edited by Brett Bellmore (edited October 16, 1999).]