Pettifogging, mindless bureaucracy (a minor rant)

The situation:

My Club has 4 Club rifles; 1 Club pistol; 1 Club shotgun.

These are licensed to the Discipline Delegate. They are used by those who (a) are just starting, (b) can't afford to buy their own, or (c) are just "trying out" a discipline.

The "new" rules from the police department:

Each firearm is to have its own "register" (a ledger, if you like).

Suppose Fred Nurk wants to use a Club .22.

Before he shoots, he "signs it out" of the register, countersigned by the licence holder. When he finishes that individual detail, he "signs back in", countersigned by the licence holder.

Next detail, he does the same .., and so on.

This happens for every gun, for every shooter, for every detail they shoot.

In other words, each firearm is signed in and out, and countersigned, each and every time it goes from the rack outside the Clubroom to the firing line and back!

For one person in Field rifle, for example, that rifle is signed in and out four times!

Oh, boy -- I tell you, if you guys let the antis win one miserable step, I'm gunna kill ya. Then I'm gunna bring you back to life and do something really nasty!!


(What will we do? We'll damn-well live with it because we want to keep shooting!!!!! See the difference??)

Hey, Bruce, c'mere. I wanna tell ya something....better yet, why don't you just empty your bank accounts and come to STAY? I'll move to Arizona if you will!
(You talk my wife into it and I'll talk yours into it....that should only take about 20 more years....)
Dude, that is SICK.

I find it sickening that you have to be in a club to own weapons (no offense to those in shooting clubs but it's not my scene).

Of course, even with these rules I'm sure the general populace feels you should be grateful to still have the PRIVELEGE of shooting.

Please tell me that the word "Discipline" doesn't appear in the law!

And what's a detail? Does that mean going out and shooting up a bunch of rounds before taking a rest? Or is it a specific term for one part of a competition?

I suppose, it's a good way to discourage people from going to take up shooting.

Every time I read stuff like this I feel like going down to the store and loading up the trunk with "goodies".

Geeze, I have to visit Australia/my relatives this Christmas. Is it just the guns, or is Australia more of a police state in general?

For yourself - do a web search for "Greencard Lottery".

If that's how it was in the US I would not be a shooter. But I guess that's what they want then isn't it!
Damn. Just Damn.

Bruce, you move to Texas, and I'll be happy to leave one of my shooters at your house to take care of. Of course, I may need to use it occasionally. ;)