Petitions to Save the 2nd Amendment and America's Sovereignty

Nikki Case

Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum, and only visited because I'm very concerned about the attacks on our 2nd Amendment. For those also concerned, there are two very simple and straightforward petitions available.

The first is a petition to save the 2nd Amendment - it's that simple. The second is a petition to save America's sovereignty from being swallowed by the UN.

A link to each petition can be found at my site:

or by going to e the people and searching the site at /

I hope others will get behind these petitions and spread the word. Rosie O'Donnell and Mia Farrow announced on Larry King their plans to launch a campaign against the 2nd Amendment as an outdated right applying to muskets. This was AFTER the Selleck interview. Please help. Please sign.

Also, Life-Line long distance is donating funds to pro Second Amendment groups. Please switch long distance carriers!

Thanks to all.
Nikki C.
Welcome, Nikki.

I joined Lifeline some months ago. The way it works is, when you sign up, they'll donate 10% of your LD bill to a group that you designate.

Most of the organizations are too conservative for me (Christian missions, anti-the-A-word groups, etc), but GOA is one of the options.

"America is at that awkward stage.
It's too late to work within the system,
but too early to start shooting the bastards."
--Claire Wolfe
For those not familiar with Nikki Case, I would encourage you to visit her site, she is an advocate for the 2nd Amendment. Although she is not a gun owner she does support the right for the ownership of firearms for self defense and sporting purposes. Her articles are well written and thought provoking, as are many of her contributing writers.
Don't bother going there unless you are conservative/libertarian and believe in Constitutional Law.
Thank you both, for the warm welcome

Gunfounder - I'm so thrilled you like the site enough to endorse it. I'm trying to put as many documented facts and articles up about the crime dettering effect of the 2nd Amendment, not to mention as much as I can about its importance in ensuring our freedoms under our Constitution. I'd love to know if there are any other forums I could post the petition alerts in? I know there are millions of us out here who don't want our rights stripped. How to let them know?????

Thanks for any help you may be able to give.
You are all wonderful! Thanks, John, for the welcome
I guess I should post at the Rosie board too. <wicked grin>

Big Fang, I'll take your advice and post there ASAP. Thanks to all for liking the site! I just added another article by a veteran and it is OUTSTANDING. It makes a wonderful case for freedom and our right to bear arms. It's titled Guaranteed Freedom for any who'd like to read it.

You've all made me feel so welcome. I can't thank you enough.
I made a graphic banner for you and put it on my front page! Let me know if you like it! If you do and you want to use it for others to link to you, or anything else, simply right click on it and hit save as. You can paste and copy it or insert it, etc. from your own files.

Hope you like it. I'm a Firing Line fan now!

Nikki (Please sign the petitions, anyone who reads this and hasn't done so yet! Time's a wasting!)
Kudos to you Nikki, I just finished looking at your site and signing your petition. I appreciate your strong support for yours and our position on the Second Amendment. Thank you again.

No King is saved by the size of his army, No warrior excapes by his great strength alone.
Thank you so very much for signing the petitions! I'm grateful to offer any help I can to save our country and our countrymen. I know for a fact if the 2nd Amendment falls, it will be the death of our country as we know it. I will do anything I can to prevent it and I know you all will too. Now if we could just find those few million others to sign we'd be out of this mess!
