"Access blocked"
"Please Note
Although PetitionOnline.com provides a non-partisan free speech web forum, hosting a wide range of petitions from across the political and social spectrum, ever since the November 7, 2000 election in the United States, several petitions at our site have been subjected to unprecedented and repeated attacks by Republican vandals. In response to these negative, unconstructive, and in many cases criminal attacks, internal and external security steps are being taken. Where necessary and appropriate, law enforcement will be involved.
Some of the immediate security measures we take to maintain the integrity of our system may temporarily affect the ability of some responsible users to connect to PetitionOnline.com. This is especially likely for a small fraction of AOL users, since AOL is functioning at the moment as a haven for vandals. Because some other ISPs, like ATT.net, share access points with AOL, their users may also be effected."
Gosh, those evil Republicans... Wonder how this "non-partisan" site knows it's Republicans attacking them?