Petition to remove PETA's tax exempt status

Double Naught, I'm surprised that you would have to ask that question. Basically for the last hundred years the ONLY significant group in America to contribute large amounts of money toward game preservation and habitat restoration has been HUNTERS.

PETA, on the other hand, has been trying to derail our efforts to preserve balanced natural habitats and to prevent us and our children from even going into the woods. Additionally PETA makes false claims regarding hunting and trapping and defames us personally and collectively in addition to encouraging eco terrorism.

It is gun related because PETA is one of several related organizations including various 'humane' societies and gun control groups which either see ending hunting as a means to end ownership of firearms or vice versa. Even the Audobon society, named after an artist who used to travel around the country shooting and stuffing birds, has devolved to an anti-hunting society. (I suspect this is because people who join one of these organization tend to join others and spread their own ideological memes.)
well atleast your guys mail dosnt get bombareded with little stikers from peta saying "pigs are friends not FOOD"and "cut class not frogs", they really need to get over themselves instead of holding "benefit concerts" thatt probably trashs an area
Very well put MeekAndMild

"the ONLY significant group in America to contribute large amounts of money toward game preservation and habitat restoration has been HUNTERS."

Just try once to tell an PETA knock head that and see what you get. They care nothing for the the actual animals, they only care about there agenda and MAKING every one else bend to theres.

I got this off the web sight, if you doubt PETA's being a bad org read below.

PETA has stated repeatedly that their goal is "total animal liberation." This means no pets, no meat, no milk, no zoos, no circuses, no fishing, no leather, and no animal testing for lifesaving medicines. 1

PETA has given tens of thousands of dollars to convicted arsonists and other violent criminals. 2

PETA funds the misnamed Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine 3, an animal-rights organization that presents itself as an unbiased source for nutritional information and has links to a violent animal-rights group called SHAC. 4

PETA has used their contributors’ tax-exempt donations to fund the North American Earth Liberation front, an FBI-certified “domestic terrorist” group responsible for fire bombs and death threats. 5
Geeze, Ozzie, that was a concise post. That would have taken me 2000 words to say. :D

I wonder how many wasted dollars worth of promotional material the PETAphiles would send me if I wrote them a letter? My handwriting is so bad, they'd take me for a 75 year old sucker, especially if I wrote it on blue lined notebook paper and sent them a dime for 'return postage'. :rolleyes:

Edited to say, yes I know all 75 year olds don't have bad handwriting and most of them are a lot smarter than me, but the stereotype that PETA and other parasite organizations uses is that of a lonely old person who is starting to talk to their cat. They target these people and try to shame them into sending donation after donation. :(
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Ingrid Newkirk, who came here from England and founded PETA, is most noted for, "A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy."

Use of animals in medical research is a no-no. No insulin from pigs; no anti-venin from horses.

The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) is right there in bed with PETA.

Both organizations have publicly stated that after they end hunting, they'll seek to end fishing.

Yep - signed it about a year ago too...

Surprised it's just now showing up here. Maybe it made an earlier appearance?
Anyway - don't know it ever did any good or was even presented as yet. :rolleyes:
I have to add this, I just had to shair this with you all

Yesterday on CNN they reported the following
That PETA is giving away fur coats and leather coats.

Seems that they relised that they have all these coats that they normaly burn or put underground that were donated to PETA by all these people that have been brought around by PETS's wonderful challange to stop killing animals.
There giving the coats to all the homless people in New York.

Any of you thinking what Im thinking?
PETA has come to the relization that a lot of people out there are considering them WACOWS, nuts and maybe not that wonderful.
And now they need some good news about there org.
Keep one thing in mind every one, they may be wackow, they may be NUTS.
But one thing that they are not
They are not stupid.
We need to attack them as they have attacked us.
And this is gun-related or hunt-related how?

Now that there question is definitely one that should have never been asked when the thread involves PETA for crying out loud man this group of ignorant unknowledgable people is trying to to take away are rights to hunt or eat meat for that matter. While maybe this thread could have been posted in a different section I feel it is probably more suited here as we dont have a section to discuss what our favorite cut of meat is. :rolleyes:

One last thing on this thread the above link in the first message of this thread is still good so please sign the petition to get PETA removed from the tax exemption list. And spread the word to everyone you know to do the same.
PETA funds the misnamed Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine 3, an animal-rights organization that presents itself as an unbiased source for nutritional information and has links to a violent animal-rights group called SHAC. 4
There's a doc with a radio show. His name is Edell. He stated how a "medical group" was the main force slamming the Atkins diet after he died. He stated the group is on peta's board. Now there's unethical for ya.