Peta Protest

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Oh how my stomach churned. The AG's are of the same mentality. (condem guns, but have armed bodyguards) . Can we just give them California? It's screwed up enough to their liking. Just pack them in and put up a fence.:)
I was going to email them(PETA) this video but i can't find there email address. If that were me that firebombed a school and told it on video or showed up at my kids school to show them how to make a bomb were do you think i'd be right now. Can you say under the jail!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i just spanked my monkey in protest.
im gonna go and release my dog into the wild.
wouldnt it be something if someone infiltrated the ALF and shot them like the terrorist they are. i'd like to see one of those idiots suicide bomb a chicken farm, LOL.
if any of those idiots EVER come to my kids school, ill be going to jail.
I liked that little video, too bad it won't do any good. Maybe we could start up something like the antialf or people against people for the ethical treatment of animals...
glad to see this is floating back up. it always reminds me of when the PETA people were recruiting during my undergrad. i turned to the girl and told her she'd be wasting that flyer on me, i shoot most of those animals myself, and forget about what i eat. she dropped a brick and a lot of the people around me got a laugh.
im a member of "People for the Elimination of Stupidity". and just joined " Poeple for the lettiracy"
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