PETA and Meat Tax!!


New member
I picked this up from a forum friend and this does not suprise me.......

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals(PETA) has launched a new campaign advocating an 8-cents-per-pound tax on each purchase of meat,poultry, and fish, "in the same way cancer awareness groups advocated taxing cigarettes."

They have a new website at .

PETA introduces its plan to "curtail health care costs--and meat consumption--by imposing a tax on meat. PETA claims it wants a meat tax to pay for dietary education programs that would reduce health care costs and save animals' and consumers lives, PETA seems to be shifting tactics as it finds the public isn't responding to it's "in your face" animal rights messages. Last year, PETA pushed a campaign that insisted "Jesus was a vegetarian" but that campaign seems to have sunk out of sight after numerous noted theologians criticized it and said it was wrong. NOTE, per the LA TIMES, a similiar tax is also being proposed on "fatty foods" and "junk foods" to deter the health risks posed by overweight Americans.

Source; The latest issue of The Logger and Lumberman magazine--------

It appears that GUNS are not the only thing in the telescopic sights of the Anti-crowd. We are getting it from all sides and once again they are trying to help protect us against ourselves.


To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.
A meat tax is the quickest way to enlarge the endangered species list.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
For all you meat eaters out there, how about having a steak for dinner in response to this nonsense?

If what you know, isn't what you do, then your training is incomplete.
Think I'd rather have my buddy take a picture of me shooting a squirrel, then send the picture to the PETArds. If that don't rile 'em up...
Let me tell you a story about how PETA treats animals ethically. I was along for the ride visiting at the home of some friends of an acquaintance of my wifes. After a few minutes we found out that these people belonged to PETA and had a small dog, a Lhasa Apso, I think. That dog was in sad shape. It seems they only fed the dog vegatables! At first I thought it was very old because its hair was falling out and it was weak. I asked how old it was, "Oh, around 5 years." I seriously doubt that the poor animal made it to 6 years old. Pretty damn stupid and completely unethical. And they think we are the villains? Needless to say we let them know what we thought in no uncertain terms and we have never gone back there or even talked to the acquaintance again.
I already pay tax on most the meat I eat in the form of my hunting license.

What is the justification for this meat tax?
If it's because eating animals is mean then tough, people have eaten meat forever.
If it's to somehow defer health costs, well, I take care of all that myself (me, my employer, and our Ins. Co.)

People Eating Tasty Animals -Life Member
Here's a true rather funny story about older CA members may remember this.

In the early 80's there was a game bird rancher whose place was along I-80...don't recall if it was Nevada or Calif. This guy raised quail, pheasant, grouse, wild turkey, etc.....he sold to restaurants, to places wanting to re-populate or introduce the critters to land etc.
Anyway, this was real offensive to PETA so they decided to do a "prison break". They didn't have the guts to go in the front so they park along the freeway and cut fences....this scares the birds so they all run into the buildings to hide from these clowns. This upset the PETA people so they go after the birds and bust out windows, rip off the doors, etc....the poor birds panic when these clowns try to herd them out the cut fences and take off right onto the freeway.....100's and thousands of birds freaking out on the freeway...guts, blood, feathers, sliding cars, pile ups all over the place.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

This incident had to have been the inspiration for the WKRP epsiode...

"Nobody told me turkeys can't fly!"


"Turkeys are hitting the ground like sacks of wet cement!"

[This message has been edited by Coinneach (edited June 16, 1999).]
The same idiots that raid mink farms and turn the critters loose. Never having been in the wild and always having been fed by man = a lotta dead mink. "It's better they had one moment of freedom than to have died for a fur coat." Never mind that they died worse deaths once outside their pens and cages at the fangs and talons of bigger animals and/or from starvation.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited June 16, 1999).]
I remember being in DC when PETA had a big art thing up at the Smithsonian Institute, right across from the Air and Space building.
It was the most discusting display - it was so horrific and exagerated, it made many small children cry. It was all bright and colorful - kids would run up to... and stand is shocked horror at that monstrosity until Mom or Dad caught up to them and pulled them away.
