Personal Firearm Defense DVD Series from NRA/Rob Pincus


New member
I received a trial DVD in the mail recently, as I'm sure many of you likewise did. I viewed it once and thought it was nicely done.

I'm not interested in debating the merits of the DVD series here. What I'd like to know is, does anyone know how many DVDs are anticipated to make up this series? I've read and re-read the materials that came with the DVD and cannot find any indication of whether it's expected to be 3 or 4, or 20. All it says is that a new one will come every 2 to 3 months.

I got one a year or so ago too. It was okay. I have no idea how many are in the series BUT most of the material in the trial DVD is the same stuff he would talk about on his Wednesday night shows on the Outdoors channel. They will mail you a TON of letters (about one a month....forever) asking you to subscribe to the series, even if you send the trial one back promptly.

It took SEVERAL phone calls, after just trying to do "Return To Sender" (hoping they'd get the idea) on a bunch of them to finally quit being bothered.

If I was going to shell-out any cash for at home DVD training, I would probably do the Thunder Ranch series.
In regard to the number of them in the series, I think that it's a "continuing" series and you'll automatically receive and be charged for one whenever they are released.

IIRC these have nothing to do with the NRA. Rob Pincus is an editor or something for SWAT magazine. I believe they probably got your name from a mailing/subscription list from whomever publishes it's sister publications. That's how they got mine when I called and asked them to quit bugging the SECOND time about them.
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I received the "Trial Video" in the mail as well. Didnt care for it, so I sent it back and told them I wasnt interested. You cannot substitute in-person live classroom & range time training for a video though. Thats why I dont buy them and wont promote them to my students. Video's cannot critique your skills or help correct you bad habbits either. Find a good instructor and go from there.

I received the "Trial Video" in the mail as well. Didnt care for it, so I sent it back and told them I wasnt interested. You cannot substitute in-person live classroom & range time training for a video though. Thats why I dont buy them and wont promote them to my students. Video's cannot critique your skills or help correct you bad habbits either. Find a good instructor and go from there.


I agree that video training cannot be substituted for live instruction, and that it is essential for everyone to recieve this training if they incorporate firearms into their defensive planning.

However I feel that videos are useful for continued learning.

I have several of Rob's videos, and have recently been to one of his 2 day Combat Focus Shooting classes.

I found that it helped my experience at the class to have watched the videos ahead of time, because I already understood the theory and concept behind Rob's training.

At the same time, I find the videos useful now that I have been to the class as a refresher of class.

So while they may not be a good idea as your only source of instruction, Videos like Rob's Series can be good tool when used in conjunction with live instruction, and solo training on a range.
To answer the OP's question, I just checked Rob's site and it shows 24 DVD's currently for sale in his series. I do know that some of his older videos have been replaced by updated movies.

In fact, Rob mentioned at the class, that he has an updated Combat Focus Shooting DVD in the works.

Now some of them deal with non firearms defense (unarmed, knives, sticks, mace/tazer, etc)

And others are less defensive focused, like his Handgun Modifications DVD.
I'll buy that. Using them as a refresher course idea, but alot of people buy them in substitute for the in-person training. I have seen the videos from Sig Sauer Academy after attending the Instructional courses at the Academy it's self. The video was like nothing that you would learn in a classroom setting with an instructor demonstrating the material answering questions. IMO.
It would be good to give people an Idea of what they should get for training, and what they can expect when attending the course, as far as the only lesson plan, the video holds no value.

Hey guys!

Thanks for the interest in the series, here are some answers:

1. There are about 2 dozen titles currently released, we've taped over 35 titles and they are put out about 1 per month. You can see the complete list of released topics at my online store: I.C.E. Training DVD list

2.The NRA is directly connected to the distribution and approves all content (as do I), if you get the DVDs through the NRA. We also have distribution partnerships with Guns & Ammo Magazine and Second Amendment Foundation.

3. I am not an editor for S.W.A.T., I've been a writer for them for about a decade and I host/produce S.W.A.T. Magazine TV

4. We've distributed over 2.5 Million DVDs in this series over the past 5 years. Some people don't appreciate the model, but it does generate a lot of revenue for NRA. I offer the DVDs at my site for people who want to pick & choose topics, but if you want the series, getting them shipped immediately ends up being faster (for new releases) and less expensive. We originally set a goal of 50 DVDs in the series, but will probably go beyond that. We have expanded to include non-firearms and home security topics and I've had several guest instructors participate (Including Blauer, Janich, Marty Hayes, Grant Cunningham, Tom Givens, Claude Werner & Mike Seeklander). If you do purchase DVDs after a preview, you will get sent DVDs in the future, but you WILL NOT be automatically charged.

5. The only DVD that has been "updated" is the core Combat Focus Shooting DVD. We recently did a Double Length DVD to go along with the release the new edition of the CFS Book: Combat Focus Shooting: Evolution 2010.

Feel free to post any other questions.

Thanks, Rob. Great information there. To the others who posted:

I have to disagree with those who opined that DVD training alone is of no value. People learn new skills through such media, in a wide variety of contexts, all the time. Is it as good as live, personal instruction? Of course not, as I'm sure Rob would readily agree. But to suggest that it is worthless is just not true.

Not everyone has the means or opportunity to receive live personal instruction. For people like that, I think a DVD series such as this can be valuable.

I knew it was SOMETHING to do with S.W.A.T. magazinne. I used to occassionlly watch the show on OUTDOORS channel, it was okay.
The reason why I posted it holds no value is, the video from what I recall, only shows the students going through a couple of scenarios. It doesnt explain proper draw, stance, grips, feet movement, what works and what doesn't. I'm assuming that the rest of the videos would start giving this kind of instruction, if it didnt then it would be a waste of time. Showing someone what they should focus on for training, and not teaching them proper techniques in the different ways the exercise should be executed, is a huge disservice to the consumer/student. Once again, if you cannot afford proper training, a video that doesn't teach you proper technique is not going to help your cause. Poor habbits cannot be witnessed or assessed and then corrected by a video. Please dont misunderstand my intensions or my comments. I have great respect you and all you have accomplished and achieved. I have learned alot from former students of yours and will continue to become a better instructor from the knowledge you have passed down.
I would love to attend one of your live classes and or schools, unfortunately, money is tight, family/job has put restrictions on my time. Hopefully sometime soon though. Thank you again for the inspiration and knowledge.


If the other videos in the series have more Instructional value to them, please let me know. I will reconsider my point of view of them and go from there.
Thanks for the explanation, DD.

Through most of our branding partners (including the NRA), the first video in the series "Combat Focus Shooting", covers the fundamentals of defensive shooting including stance, grip, etc....

There was an early video done in 2005 called "Shooting in Realistic Environments" that is no longer produced. That video may not have gone as thoroughly through the basics and was meant for a more intermediate audience. We decided quickly to use the CFS DVD as the introduction and foundation, for the very reasons you pointed out. At first, I believe the distribution company was afraid that if the first DVD was too basic, potential customers would be turned off. Given that CFS isn't a cookie cutter marksmanship program (which is how most people are introduced to shooting fundamentals), that has not bee the case and using it as the first DVD has been successful.

Mr. Pincus,

Thank you for clearifying the contents of the series. I am most likely going to purchase the series, after students take the Basic Safety class, I always recomend them getting more training to enhance their survivability when in or if ever involved in a SHTF moment. Wether the extended training is through me or or through another school/Instructor, if they cannot afford the extra training, they should look into Instructional Books and or Check out some different videos, to gain some comprehension of what combat style shooting consists of. I usually stress to them that the basics are just that, basic markmenship to teach you how safely shoot the gun in stress free controlled enviroment. As you well know, when TSHTF, there is only caos. You will have to rely on instinct and training to help pull you through or better your chances in the least. Unless you get a drop on the BG, hardly ever happens, you are already behind the ball so to speak. Learning how to grip, draw, present and fire 2-3 well placed shots is what makes the difference in how long the rest of your life is going to be. That is what I tell my students at the end of each class and at the beginning of each Concealed Carry Course.

I also cover the draw and presentation in each basic safety class as well. Reasons being, in this great commie state of Massachusetts, you have to take a basic safety class in order to get an CCW permit which then will entitle's you to be able to look at, posses and or purchase certain firearms depending on the permit issued. If they get their ccw permit, called an
LTC = License to Carry Class A Non-restricted, they usually go out and buy a gun. I would be doing a huge in-justice to my students if I didnt teach them proper technique for employing their new tool for personal protection. IMHO!

Thank you again for all you do!
I haven't been able to attend Mr. Pincus's school but Dan Southard who I have been able to train with says that Mr. Pincus is someone to listen to. I do have the tapes and share them with my friends.
Good Stuff, DD... thanks for taking the time to seek out the clarification and check out the series!


THanks Much, 27V!