Personal best.


New member
I am not a great marksman. Many days I can't hit the broad side of a barn...when standing inside the barn. But every once in a while the sun and the moon and the stars align, the shooting gods smile down on me and I put a few rounds fairly close together. I don't own any really serious target grade guns so if I do happen to make a decent group it's with a mundane firearm.

In 1998 I was living in Ohio and teaching at the University of Cincinnati. I was a member of a shooting club based in a small community north of the city. They did military handgun matches (I shot my 1918 Luger one time) and the annual Polar Bear Shoot on the second Saturday in January (one year it was 21 below zero).

One day I was just banging away to pass the afternoon and I decided to try my Interarms imported "Mini Mauser." I think it was made by CZ and is a scaled down commercial Model 98 in .223 Remington (later they added 7.62x39 as an option). I got the rifle as a barreled action in trade for a drill press I needed to unload when I was moving. I added the Ramline stock and a 2x7 Bausch & Lomb scope. No custom work has been done to it. I was using some military grade 55 grain FMJ ammo. This is the tightest group I have shot with any rifle ever.


Here's the rifle...


This target was shot at 50 yards and that's about all I'm good for with iron sights (and the sights are pretty rudimentary on this gun). The rifle is a custom Martini in 45/70 I bought from the smith who built it when he was set up at the Salt Lake City gun show in 1999. This was with 500 grain round nose lead bullets. I have found that it will shoot just about any bullet equally well, including 250 grain lead slugs sized .454" for the 45 Colt revolver.


Shooting with friends out in the desert one time I was challenged to hit an old, abandoned utility pole from 500 yards with the Martini. The pole was 18" in diameter and about 30' tall. Shooting from a standing position, I aimed at the center of the pole and everyone saw the bullet strike the ground and kick up sand right in front of it about 10' short. I corrected my aiming point to the very top of the pole and fired again. It took several second for the sound of the bullet impact to come drifting across the desert. Everyone was very impressed...including me.

Here's the rifle...


In 1987 I bought a Ruger 10/22 on sale at Walmart. I put an older 4x Redfield scope that I had laying around on it on it and took it to the range. These two targets are the first six shots fired from the rifle. What's surprising is how close the scope was to being dead on. I fired three rounds at 50 yards almost as fast as I could pull the trigger. True rapid fire. My buddy spotting for me with a scope told me to raise the elevation screw two clicks and shoot again. I did, again shooting as fast as I could. You can see the results. Both groups are one, slightly enlarged hole. I have never matched this performance since.


I still have the rifle...

Fine shooting, Saxonpig. Like you, my skills vary from time to time, and it's almost never the fault of the rifle.

I didn't know that stock 10/22's could shoot that good. Maybe I need one.
SaxonPig, nice shooting & nice rifles. Aiming at the center of a 18" pole at 500 yards, with open sights. l would think the front sight would be much thicker then the pole. Or is this ( I have a bridge for sale story ) either way, that's a nice rifle.
Target at 50, pole at 500. Different stories.

Yes, the front sight just about blocked the pole so it was almost like a golfer lining up his shot. Peek over the barrel, look at the sights. Peek...
I was a pitcher on my High School team , they put me in to get out a long ball hitter, l struck him out. Two Years later he was in the majors & still a home run hitter. My next to years l was in Vietnam. Do I think I could have struck him out again, NO. As with me, some things can be done once.
Very interesting about the Ruger 10/22.

I really wanted one when I was young but I was the opposite of impressed with its accuracy the first time I shot one. Didn't get one for years and years after that experience. Finally got one of their 'target' models and I don't think it shoots as well as yours.

Maybe all the 'tolerances' came together for you with your rifle and where most of the other rifles are too tight, or too loose, yours is just right.

Without a doubt the 10/22 is a fun platform. Not to give you any ideas but if I had a verifiable 'stock' 10/22 like yours and could shoot groups like yours I don't think I'd have to pay for any beers at the shooting range ever again.
It's always nice when the stars align.

Usually, when things seem to be going well, I end up with one hole laughing at me.

...Like this guy, from this morning:
(.223 Rem)


The conditions today were less than stellar, but things still seemed to be working for me.

I could tell that one was a tight group, but couldn't see clearly with the 4x scope. As I got closer, I saw the ragged hole. But that one bullet. There always has to be the one... :rolleyes:

Five rounds stacked up for 0.347".
Number six more than doubled it, for 0.703".

It wasn't the scope. It wasn't the load. It wasn't the rifle. It wasn't the wind, rain, or wet bench.
It was me. :(


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FrankenMauser, nice honest group, its always the last shot. I saved the target on a one hole 3 shot group at 200 yards cut the forth shot off.
473-10X in a Leg match, good for a Bronze. Pretty proud of that actually, my best ever score on a 50 shot across the course match was a EIC match with no sighters. My next best was a 470-4X, with sighters and it was a 200 yard reduced, rather than a 600 yard full course.

About about 850 yards, (based on the ~6 mil of drop) on a Prairie Dog.

Best I ever saw was a buddy, shot a P-Dog at a ranged 197 yards, offhand with a .22LR Ruger 77/22. "No way in hell......" BANG......thop :eek:
SaxonPig, your 3 targets made me smile, know the feeling. I've been known to say curse words nobody ever heard of. Good shooting even though.