Person to Person Gun Sales??


Can I sell guns from my personal collection to a member of my family or anyother person directly without going through an FFL? Also can I legally ship them the gun if they live elsewhere?
What you CAN do and what you CAN do are two different things. ATF says face-to-face transfers are only legal between residents of the same state. If you and you family live in the same state no problem. This is assuming you don't live in some state like New York that has implemented mandatory registration.

I would caution against shipping. If you get caught you're screwed.

What would I do? If some relative of mine were to come visit me and offered to give/sell a gun to me for a nominal price (and it was something I wanted) I would definitely take posession of it. I'm not going to pay a couple of FFL's to do essentially nothing. I live in a state that doesn't care.
Here's the problem with just selling your gun without going through the proper channels...

If the gun ends up getting stolen or otherwise used in a crime, it may end up getting traced back to you. While I'm not implying that YOU are going to go down for the crime; I am saying that you may then be prosecuted for failing to follow the proper channels when selling the gun. As the CYOA guy that I am, I wouldn't take that chance just because I was too lazy to take the proper route, or I simply have angst for the legal process.

You CAN ship guns... even through the USPS. However, if you ship over state borders, the receiving end must be a FFL holder (and there are federal documents that allow you to ship to police departments directly). You just have to ask the postal office how to do it the right way.

There's no way to answer this poster's dilemma without knowing which state he lives in.
All I wanted to know is once I buy a gun legaly thru an FFL can I resale that gun to another person directly and ship it to them legally??

That question is way too open-ended to answer. We need to know which state you're talking about... where is the gun currently owned and where is it wanting to be shipped??? Also, what kind of gun is it?? The answers to these questions are necessary to answer your question. Cheers.

The only answer anyone can give at this point is: Maybe.

It matters legally what state you live in.
It matters legally what state the shipee lives in.
It matters legally whether the firearm is a long gun or a hand gun.

Any answers you receive before giving us that information are pure speculation.

Help us help you. Give us enough information to give an intelligent (and correct) answer.
