Permit to purchase


New member
Hi everyone. I'm currently in the market for a handgun and filling out the permit to purchase application for my city. However, there are a couple of questions that have me stumped. I tried calling City Hall to get help but ended up being put on hold for 20 minutes, at which point I gave up.

I don't know if all permit to purchase applications are the same so i'm wondering if someone here can assist me.

one of the questions asks:

"The data to be released to the listed law enforcement agency:
Agency Name:
Agency Address:
Agency Contact person and phone number

^^I have no idea how to fill out this section. Any ideas?

the other part is the receipt, which states, "I hereby acknowledge acceptance of this application (name of applicant) and then at the bottom is reads "Signature of person accepting application" and then "Issuing Law Enforcement Agency." So, would I sign this or does someone at City Hall do this?

In Iowa, the County Sheriff

"The data to be released to the listed law enforcement agency:
I'm not informed on your state's requirements. However, in Iowa that agency would be our county Sheriff. Might I suggest that you contact your Sheriff for more advice. Who issued, your application? Again, in our county, this entire process is handled by our Sheriff. …… :)

Be Safe !!!
I'm in Minneapolis. The county Sheriff handles CCW permits/applications but a permit to purchase goes through City Hall or local PD. Sadly, City Hall is closed to walk-ins due to Covid-19 and 2 of my closest precincts are closed because of the rioting/arson.

But, i'll try contacting the Sheriffs office since it takes forever just to speak to a person at City Hall.
We don't need permit to purchase where I am, so this is only my best guess. From the paperwork I have filled out for any background checks (this I have done many times for gun purchases and clearance to work on schools and volunteer work for the state) the agency that received the information is the one that will issue your permit. So the person accepting the application should be able to tell you which agency will need to be entered there. The other part is to be filled out by the person you give the permit application to. You only sign where it says Signature of Applicant.

You are filling out a permission slip for the agency to run a background check on you.
i would inquire at the gun store you wish to buy from. certainly they "should" know the procedures you need to follow.
one of the questions asks:

"The data to be released to the listed law enforcement agency:
Agency Name:
Agency Address:
Agency Contact person and phone number

^^I have no idea how to fill out this section. Any ideas?

the other part is the receipt, which states, "I hereby acknowledge acceptance of this application (name of applicant) and then at the bottom is reads "Signature of person accepting application" and then "Issuing Law Enforcement Agency." So, would I sign this or does someone at City Hall do this?

I live in southern Mn and just got my PTP. Called the local police station, they had a drop box outside to drop my application in. Said I could come down to the shop to get the forms or download them off the internet.
You don't fill out any of those areas you have questions of, that's their part.
Odd we get a background check to get a Permit to Purchase, and are required to get checked again at time of purchase. Should be, "I qualified for the permit, sell me the pistol and I'll go."
You would think so ???

Odd we get a background check to get a Permit to Purchase, and are required to get checked again at time of purchase. Should be, "I qualified for the permit, sell me the pistol and I'll go."
Just when I was of the opinion that Midwest states were similar, not so. In Iowa, You submit an application to purchase at the county Sheriffs, office. They do the background check and in three days, you pay your $5.00 and get your permit, that is good for a year. During that year permit is accepted by local FFL dealers. On a CCW permit, the permit procedure is more involved and costs more. If you have a DD-214, you are pretty much approved. ….. :confused:

Be Safe !!!
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Not much better here on the west coast. I can have a concealed carry permit that took up to 90 days to receive after application. Carry a concealed pistol into a gun store, show them my permit to carry, that had a very long approval time, and still have to wait 10 days for a background check to purchase. Makes no sense to me.
I live in southern Mn and just got my PTP. Called the local police station, they had a drop box outside to drop my application in. Said I could come down to the shop to get the forms or download them off the internet.
You don't fill out any of those areas you have questions of, that's their part.
Odd we get a background check to get a Permit to Purchase, and are required to get checked again at time of purchase. Should be, "I qualified for the permit, sell me the pistol and I'll go."

You’re correct. I left those fields blank for them to fill in. It is indeed odd to go through the background check twice.
They do the background check and in three days, you pay your $5.00 and get your permit, that is good for a year.

At least our PTP is free of charge while also valid for 1yr.
Had a permit to carry that needed renewing every 5 years. Don't recall the renewal fee but it was justified to cover the sheriff's time for background check. Maybe those PTCarry fees help cover the free PTPurchase background checks?
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Purchase permit

Sounds like you may reside in New Jersey which requires pistol purchase permits.

I would suggest contacting the state police for answers.
Big Al, The stupid procedure you indicate is a result of the equally dumb rules the liberal legislature (Washington West Coast) enacted a couple of years ago which grouped hand guns and “ assault rifles” ( any semi auto rifle including a 10-22) on the same form. When they can get the computerized system to work properly ( several more years) you will once again be able to present your concealed permit and take possession immediately. I would think the Washington State Dems. Will introduce more severe requirements before that happens.
Missouri got rid of their unconstitutional ptp several years ago.
Originaly a Jim Crow law from the 1800's, it was supposed to only ask name, and basic information. Then the Sheriff could pick and choose who got the permit.
As time went on it became a pseudo registration by also asking make model, caliber, and serial number. Then some jurisdictions were using it as a waiting period. Telling you that they were busy, and you would have to come back in three days.
When it was pointed out in Senate hearings that the ony thing in the law that could be legally asked was name, and basic information the lawyer representing the Police Chief's Association said you might as well throw the whole thing out, and stormed out of the room.........They did!
"Permit to purchase"

My God in Heaven.

I know, right? The only thing that bugs me about it is that I have to go through 2 background checks. One for the permit and another when I fill out form 4473.

Either way, I received my permit last week and ordered the S&W M&P 2.0 yesterday. Now it's just the waiting game
Two for one ???

I know, right? The only thing that bugs me about it is that I have to go through 2 background checks. One for the permit and another when I fill out form 4473.
1) I can understand the first one and do we really know how thorough it is?
2) You then get the permit-to-purchase and now go through another second background check during the 4473 process. ….. :confused:

You're right, it doesn't sound right ….. :confused:

Be Safe !!!
1) I can understand the first one and do we really know how thorough it is?
2) You then get the permit-to-purchase and now go through another second background check during the 4473 process. …..

You're right, it doesn't sound right …..

The Bureau of Criminal Apprehension site states the following regarding the permit to purchase:

The law enforcement agency will conduct a series of background-related checks to assure you meet eligibility requirements established in state law.

Once those checks are complete, a one-year permit to purchase a handgun in Minnesota will be issued. If you are applying for a permit to transfer the law enforcement agency must notify you of its status within seven days of receipt.

I believe it's the Minneapolis PD that does the background check. I can only assume that they're doing a thorough job, especially in the wake of the riots that happened here. Surely they can't be handing out permits to every Tom, Dick and Harry who may not be eligible.