Permanent Assualt Weapons Ban Signed Into Law By Mitt Romney

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Permanent Assualt Weapons Ban Signed Into Law By Mitt Romney

« Illegal alien crime wave Part I (RR..excellent video)The Constitution Is Dead: Long Live the King by NC Renegade »Romney signs off on permanent assault weapons ban!!
April 26, 2011 by randyedye

Governor Mitt Romney has signed into law a permanent assault weapons ban that he says will make it harder for criminals to get their hands on these guns.

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Gee, With a law like that I'm sure all the bad guys lined up and turned there illegal weapons in. I hope they had the logistics to handle all those illegal weapons that were turned in by bad guys. That line must have been like a line to a concert or something. Because we all know that these crimanals obey our laws. They would never keep an illegal weapon. That would be against the law.

Maybe a solid oak 2x4 up the side of the head of some of these antigun freaks would help make them more inteligent.

I doubt it, but it's worth a try.
I suspect they are talking about it today, in the context of whom to support in the Republican primaries.

In the context of voting records, it would be relevant.

But otherwise, it's old news.
Guys, Mitt Romney hasn't BEEN the Governor since 2007.

This is very very old news, this was in 2004. He claimed in his 2008 Presidential run that he has changed his position on guns.

Deval Patrick is the Governor of Mass.

But, don't let facts stand in the way of a good panic.
Go call the dumbest person you know, and have a good long conversation with them....You'll feel better...:rolleyes:

Just kidding. It happens. Don't make yourself tap-out over it.
TexasSIGMan and Don H, 9mm erred and admitted it.

However, without wanting to get overtly political here, such information (even though from 2004) might be significant to people trying to decide on a candidate for 2012.

One of the things Romney has taken heat for has been flip-flopping on his positions, to appeal to the far-right. I am not advocating a position here, simply pointing out something that was a factor in the 2008 primaries, and is likely to be one again in 2012.

In that context, this law, though from 2004, still has some bearing.

But I suspect extensive discussion of it, in that light, would get locked pretty quickly.
Part of a pattern by Romney to find a parade and try to lead it. His core is squishy, which bodes poorly for job performance as POTUS. His course changes, the most contradictory ones, occurred in his adult life. He was not a young man experimenting. A body should be able to recognize, admit and rectify mistakes, and be honored for it. I don't think such a process figured into his changed attitudes, but I dunno.

Obama's patterns before election to POTUS make his performance and decisions understandable and predictable. Not much of a surprise, I think.
Romney is a political beast, he'll follow along with anything if he believes it will get him elected. But then again that's the way of most politicians.
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