Performance of individual pellets

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
In looking at sparse patterns of 20ga #3 buckshot, I got to wonder: what kind of performance would an individual .25cal pellet have at 15m? 25m? 50m?

Have a projectile half the weight of a .22 slug, with poor shape for either flight or wounding and only m.v. of 1250fps to compensate. An indivudial pellet, esp. if unplated, could then be expected to glance off a skull at not too great of a range...

So, what gives? Let's say half of the 20 pellets impact at much effect are they likely to have considering the random distribution of the pattern around the POA?

I understand that 00 or 000 buck from a 12ga would do much better, but all I have is a 20. Any anecdotal evidence on the results of 20ga or 410 used with shot rather than slugs would be appreciated.

Oleg "cornered rat" Volk (JPFO,NRA)
Sir Rat - the twenty is used fairly frequently for deer drives here in SC. The # 3 or # 2 pellets do OK at close range. (25m or less) I have cleaned several deer killed with a 20 and if the range limits are followed, it works fine.

One of my house guns was a 20. (gave it to a friend's kid)

Oleg, the paradigm behind buck requires multiple hits for effectiveness.It's not spread we want here, but a massive payload center mass.

I've patterned a few rounds of #3 buck from daughter's 20 ga 870, and compared it to the 12 ga 00 that was my duty load. #3 looks a tad anemic in comparison, tho anything I shoot within 25 yards may not agree.

Coupla points on keeping tight patterns. What degree of choke do you have? Here, tighter is better. If your 20 has tubes, I'd use a modified one.

And, can your smith lengthen the forcing cone? Besides keeping the pellets rounder, there's a trifle less kick.

Finally, I'd test a few brands and find the one your gun "likes" best.Federal had/maybe has a premium 20 ga load that seems to be excellent in our 20.

Don't be too down on your 20. A while back I tested duty ammo in my HD 870 at 25 yards, NO round put all 9 pellets in a FBI style silohuette target. Buck is fearsomely effective in its proper range, but that range is short.

I wonder if somebody makes a 3" mag load of #1 buck in 20 ga. Pattern would be sparse, but the bigger pellets would have more moxie at distance.
Personally I think maybe the 25 yard scenario is the difficulty here. For defense the shotgun, or any gun for that matter is seldom needed beyond 15 yards, especially inside. For outside work, if there is a situation that seems warranted, one could load with increasing projectile size; last two or three rounds being slugs for instance.

My choice of shotgun is for two reasons; most effective at inside my home ranges of 15 feet or less and with my chosen load of 1500 fps #71/2 to 9 shot -- the chances of shooting one of my neighbors by over penetrating walls is cutailed or eliminated.
Oleg, I have a 20 ga. for HD too. I have some of Federal's 20. ga. #2 buckshot shells (I think they call it "personal defense" or "tactical"). I have fired several of these but I haven't checked the pattern. I've read that the shell is designed to increase spread, which I'm not too happy about. I agree with Dave McC -- I think you want to keep the pattern tight. I also think Jody has a good point about the distance. For my HD situation, 30 feet (ten yards) is the max I have to consider; don't know your situation but I don't know why you'd need to worry about anything over 15 yards. Might want to make that your test range and see how your patterns come out.

One thing to consider, Jody. I, too, am concerned about over penetration. If you share a wall with your neighbor its extremely important. I don't, but I also don't want to use something like 00 buck or slugs that can carry into my neighbor's house. I think something between #1 to #4 buck would be more effective (you need penetration to reach vital organs and large arteries) and keep over-penetration within acceptable limits -- although I don't know how buckshot fares as far as penetrating dry wall or exterior walls: has anyone tried to test this?.

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[This message has been edited by adad (edited March 13, 2000).]