Performance Center Guns in CA


New member
Does anyone know if S&W Performance Center guns are available in CA? I've had my eye on the 45acp revolver and haven't even seen one in the local shops :confused:
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If you're gonna find a Performance Center S&W in California, as of right now you have to luck out and find a person with one for sale as a privately owned gun and do a private party transfer through an FFL.

It's the same way with the discontinued S&W revolvers like all the blued guns or models no longer produced, that's the way I came by my recent 25-3 and 29-3 revolvers. Had to luck out and find a person who had a couple for sale and do the transfers through a dealer, good luck finding one for a good price or new in box though as typically people will know what they have and possibly will gouge you for it.

The thing that pisses me off is that the way the law is written you can't have a private party send their gun to your dealer through their dealer from out of state, for a dealer to sell the gun to you it must be on the approval list and since the majority of the S&W guns I'm interested in are long since discontinued there isn't a chance in heck of them being on the approval list. Found a 28-2 a few months back for a very reasonable price for a NIB gun, couldn't have it shipped to my dealer cause the way the stupid law is written, the person would have HAD to be in the state to do the transfer. You're performance center guns will be the same way, I want a Hunter 629 but I'm not gonna have any luck in getting one of those until S&W tries to get the guns certified.