Perfecta Ammo Problem


New member
I was at the range today with some new to me magazines for a mini 14 in order to test them out.
I had a little over 200 rounds of Perfecta brand .223 ammunition that I purchased at Walmart for it's value.
I have used Perfecta ammo in several different calibers without any issues, and I mean quite a lot of it, but today that changed.

The first issue I had was a solid primer strike but the bullet did not exit the case. It simply pushed forward just enough to expose slightly the knurled crimp section of the projectile. My first thought was that the cartridge had no powder in it, so with pliers I pulled the bullet free of the case to find it full of powder. Dumping the powder onto the table showed that the last bit nearest the primer was a very strange tan color compared to the rest in the case, maybe the last 10%.

The second issue was in fact another where the powder failed to ignite, but this time the bullet separated from the case and was lodged just inside the bore of the rifle ahead of the chamber. The case came out, and dumping what powder was not spilled in the action of the rifle showed that all of it was the same color with no discoloration like in the first.

The third issue was partly the fault of the magazine, as it positioned the nose of the cartridge too low in the magazine while the bolt moved forward and this was the result.


I'd say that was a pretty weak crimp but maybe my confidence in Perfecta is shaken now.

That is only 3 out of 210 rounds fired and it's not like anything was going to blow up in my face today.
Myself and my sons have all three fired several hundred rounds of a variety of Perfecta ammunition without any issues before now and I have enjoyed the affordability of it, but I don't believe I'll be buying any more of it once I finish the various boxes that I have on hand.


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If you would have touched off that last round with the bullet set back so far, it would have blown up in your face. It would have been ugly, very ugly.

Thanks for the heads up about Perfecta ammo. I will stay away from it.
Just to clarify, that round in the photo never chambered.
Riding too low in the magazine the tip of the bullet caught on the front of the magazine and as the bolt attempted to come forward it pushed the bullet into the case as you see pictured, jamming the action open.
While prepping 223 brass for reloading I've noticed the Perfecta flash holes are all drilled off center. In the recycle bin they go.
Personally I've never encountered a problem with perfecta. I've fired close to 1000 rounds of it through my AR, and I have yet to have a single issue.
Neither had I, and I bet that between myself and my sons we've fired easily near twice that many combined between us in that caliber.
I've also used their ammunition in .308 Winchester, .45 ACP, .38 special, and I believe we even ran some of their .380 ACPs as well as 9mm.
Never had a problem, and saved all of the brass that we could chase down without any reservations.

I don't have an explanation other than that of what I experienced today.
I'm more than a little disappointed because I always felt that they offered quality ammunition at very competitive prices.
I've even sang their praises in another thread on this forum if memory serves... but I'm getting older so it may not!

Sadly the boxes of ammunition that I used today were purchased a few months back, and I loaded the magazines Thursday evening in preparation for the range trip this morning and disposed of the boxes.
I don't have a lot number, and I can't even identify which box the defective cartridges were from in order to discern a lot number. One of the boxes was purchased more recently and the three incidents were from three different 30 round magazines so not all from the same box of 50 anyway. Though the two failures to ignite the powder may've been, I just don't know.
I don't think so though because I numbered the magazines since I was testing them for function, and those two came from number 3 and then again number 5, the wimpy crimp was from magazine number 6.
1, 2, 4, and 7 had no issues.

I'm not saying that Perfecta makes bad ammo at all.
I'm saying that after my experience this morning, I won't be purchasing any more of that brand in the future and I'm giving a heads up to others about my experience.
I just don't trust it any longer.
You buy cheap, you get cheap. I buy some foreign ammo, but there is usually not much price difference between it and US manufactured. I have always been leery of REALLY cheap ammo, surplus included.
I always buy the 9mm luger Perfecta and never had a problem with it. Never saw Perfecta in 223. I always use TulAmmo 223 but that is hit or miss depending on which batch I get.
Turkeestalker, I don't blame you for not wanting to use it anymore. Hopefully this won't become a regular thing for perfecta. I've become really fond of purchasing their cheap ammo and having cheap range fun..
Only used their 9mm, but it's been 100% through a good number of boxes.
Is the manufacturer for 9mm and .223 the same? I think the 9mm is actually made by Fiocchi.
Only problem I have had yet is I found one 223 bullet seated a little too deeply. Pulled it out to match the others and it shot fine. All the handgun ammo I have used was okay for cheap ammo anyway.