Perfect Obama VP

Former New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman would be the ideal choice for a running mate for Obama.

She is a woman with real executive experience as the Governor of the liberal state of New Jersey for 7 years. Besides appealing to women, she is also more conservative. And Obama would be showing that he really can reach across party lines if he selected her.

I honestly don't know if she would accept it, though. She was so upset with Dick Cheney interfering with her efforts to run the EPA, that she resigned as the administrator of the agency. I think that Cheney totally disillusioned her about politics.

At the time she said that her resignation was for personal reasons. But in later interviews, she admitted that it was due to Cheney's meddling with her efforts to increase car gas mileage standards in 2003, which failed due to Cheney's efforts.

I think that history will show that Dick Cheney has been the most powerful Vice President in US history.

Rumor has it Edwards will be on the ticket. . . . Chet Edwards (TX) not John Edwards (Silk Pony). Evidently O'Bama considered John (not Chet) to be the way to cinch labor's vote. Since Edwards, John (not Chet) was taken down by the Clinton machine, O'Bama now has the choice of finding someone else to bring along labor (not likely) or try to hoo-doo the union vote by doing a bait and switch with the Edwards. I kid you not, both sides of the political fence are speculating on the possibility of a switcheroo.

Time answers all questions.
Perhaps Obama will ...

... push hard for "Change" and reach deep down into his roots for a real edgy Vice President. Louis Farrakhan?

Now that would be someone unexpected!

Just funnin'
The best candidate for Obama's VP would be Ralph Nader. Ralph has an extensive background in.... um... well a lot of useless stuff, and he's actually a tool.

I just think campaign stickers reading "ObamaNader" would be freaking funny... :D
1] Obama picks a woman who's approximately as Lefty and as feckless as he is. McCain picks a woman, too. He's got much better choices than Obama does.

Obama gets no bump because his choice is somebody like Feinstein, Boxer, or Albright. McCain gets at least a few votes from feminists who think he looks like he's going to die soon

Obama defuses some of the reaction from the women disappointed by Hillary's loss, but he loses the general election, because of his lack of experience, absence of American identity, and shaky foreign policy creds. His Feinstein/Boxer/Albright running mate doesn't help.

2] Obama picks a man who used to be a General or something. McCain picks a woman.

Obama's Lefty General helps fill in some of Obama's missing resume, but the ladies freak out and turn the convention into a circus, make the Dems look like fools, and either wrangle the nomination for Hillary or make Obama grovel like dog.

McCain gets lots of votes from feminists who think he looks like he's going to die soon.

Obama goes down hard in November.

3] Obama picks the General and McCain picks a young guy who looks like he could take over if need be and who's from a swing state. The ladies freak out at the Dem convention and sit out the general election. Obama increasingly looks like the fool he is and can't close the deal without the feminists who are home dreaming of 2012.

4] Obama picks a woman; McCain picks a man. Obama gets through the convention OK, doesn't get any benefit in the general from his VP choice but thanks his stars McCain picked a man. Obama has his best chance in the general.
John Kerry?

Kerry For Vice President?

John Kerry :barf:

Obama and McCain are dead even in the polls as of today. If the 'Changemeister' picks Kerry or Hillary and McCain picks someone even remotely conservative, that should put McCain over the top.
"John (not Chet) was taken down by the Clinton machine,..."

It rather seems slick John was taken down by the Nat. Inquirer doing the meda's job as it should be done.

What's somewhat puzzling is that it has damaged him at all, I thought that kind of behavior was a positive for modern Democrat politicians! ;)