Percussion revolves in CAS

Alex Johnson

New member
I haven't shot in any of the CAS events yet, nor even been to one (I'm going to change that real soon). I was just curious how many people are using percussion revolvers. Any information would be appreciated.

Alex Johnson
NRA, Life Member
Howdy Alex,

At our monthly matches,we usually have 2 or three folks shooting cap & ball. Charging cylinders and seating balls is done at the unloading table,and capping of cylinders is done at the loading table just before shooting the stage.

Bellicose Bill
Thanks Bill, just a few more questions. Is one revolver enough to get you through the stages, or do most people use 2? Also what seems to be the more popular models. Thanks a lot.

Alex Johnson
NRA, Life Member
i have not had the chance to shoot yet but i will be shooting c&b revolvers at lest in my opinion you will need more than one especaly with the C&B if you have a reload during the stage

Howdy Alex,

At most matches you will need two revlolvers to compete. That said,it is common for newcomers to the sport to borrow any guns they don't have from other shooters. CAS requires a pretty hefty outlay to come up with the required arsenal. At any shoot you go to,you'll find folks willing to loan you what you need. The best bet is to contact the match coordinator of the shoot you wish to attend and mention that you're missing this gun or that gun,and they will set you up.

As far as C&B guns go,it's really personal preference. I have an 1858 Remington. Some folks prefer these since they have a backstrap and are inherently a little stronger than Colt designs. Colts come in more varieties,so finding one of those that fits your hand may be the determining factor. Since the cylinders on Remingtons are very easy to swap out,getting two or three cylinders loaded can save you some work throughout the match.

Bellicose Bill