Pepper spray


New member
I do not know where to post pepper spray but I guess Tactics is the right forum(?) What is a good brand of pepper spray to buy, I am looking for a rather larger scale than what I have a little tiny bottle of it now. I am looking for a bigger size like 4oz or more.
I've heard lots of good things about Inferno, which is carried by Cold Steel {rumor has it that they make a pretty good knife, too:D}. Check 'em out at However, remember that pepper spray, just like a gun, won't always necessarily stop an assailant.
I've carried "fox labs" in my vehicle. The two times I've ever sprayed it, it's been incredibly powerful. One time was on a person, once on a dog. An they both forgot what they were doing instantly. It's some nasty stuff. And if I remember correctly, a local police force carries it.
Pepper spray
I do not know where to post pepper spray but I guess Tactics is the right forum(?) What is a good brand of pepper spray to buy, I am looking for a rather larger scale than what I have a little tiny bottle of it now. I am looking for a bigger size like 4oz or more.

This is probably what you're looking for:

I carry the 70 gram version on a belt in a flashlight holster made for a 3 cell AAA flashlight.
Chemical agents; foams, gels, sprays, fog; skill training...

Some of the more popular & widely used chemical agents include Mace, Mace pepper gel, Sabre Red, Fox Labs, First Defense X2(360).
I suggest the formats that are at least 10% OC & those that can fire in any direction/hold or not conflict with EDWs/Tasers(energy weapons).
Pepper sprays or fog that have CS/CN gas & UV marking dye are worth the $$$ too.
I'd avoid the foam type products & to be honest, Im not impressed fully with the Mace gel either. I T&Eed a gel can & it was NOT very responsive in drills/deployment.
I plan to order some Mk IV size First Defense X2/360 & maybe the "grey" format for indoor security details(EP operations).
For sales & products see; .

ps; I'd also avoid the off brand gun show & mall ninja trash. Learn & understand your area's laws & ordanances too re: self defense products.
ps; I'd also avoid the off brand gun show & mall ninja trash. Learn & understand your area's laws & ordanances too re: self defense products

Learned that agies ago, bought a mall ninja product once and it broke in a day lol. I would not want to be a mall ninja their products break, could effect their mission. :rolleyes:

I see the "mall ninja tables" cheap china junk feels like junk and breaks when you hold it.:mad:
I am not sure that the "Hottest" is always the best plan. There is always the possibility that the user will be cross contaminated.

I do agree that a 2oz or 4oz high pressure can is a better route if you want the dang thing to work. I use a 4oz can with a concave bottom, I assume that means its higher pressure.
If you are going to use pepper spray remember there is a very good chance it will get on your arms, in your mouth, in your sinuses, or in your eyes. In other words it often affects both parties. Foams and gels can be wiped off of skin and thrown back at you.

Also check your local and state laws. Some states limit the amount of pepper spray you can carry. There may be limits on the type or amount of chemical they use.

I know our department carries First Defense and it has worked the two times I've seen it used.
[I'd avoid the foam type products & to be honest, Im not impressed fully with the Mace gel either.]

Although I hear that, I have a good friend who was a member of the NM Mounted Patrol. One year working the lake on a holiday he encountered a group of drunks fighting.
When he tried to break it up there were three young men who decided that they were going to whip him and throw him in the lake. Make a long story short, he ended up spraying all three with foam. He said that when it hit each one he dropped like shot and was helpless. He was very impressed with it.

I have never had to use OC Spray, but when I have tested or emptied an old can no matter how I try I always get a small amount back. It makes me cough and tear. That is the gas not the foam. As a result I carry the foam mostly and especially in the car. I cannot imagine what might happen if I had to spray from the driver's seat and some of the spray blew back in my face.

I have been told about the BG wiping foam off and throwing it back, but I do not think the average punk is going to re-act that way.

Sabre is the hottest brand of pepper spray on the market. Sabre offers a training class that anyone who plans to carry pepper spray should take.

That would be Vexor says our chemical agent trainers, our agency isues FOX5.3 and not Vexor because they both reach as high a pain threshold you are going to get from burning sensasion but the Vexor is so much higher in scoville its overkill.

Fox 5.3 5,300,000 scoville
Vexor 15,000,000 scoville
Sabre 2,000,000 scoville
For some reason these top products don't have the CS/CN gas. Why not? Wouldn't the CS+CN+Pepper be better?

I can see an advantage of gel/foam if used in a confine space (e.g. bus).

I personally prefer the smaller canisters that fit the palm of my medium sized hands. I can walk around with the canister concealed in my hands, and ready to apply.