Pepper spray


New member
I hope it is ok to post this in this forum (didn't fit in any of the others)..

I am about to purchase some pepper spray for me and my girlfriend. I was looking for suggestions as to which is the best / most affective to buy. If anyone has any opinions I would greatly appreciate it.

Also, my girlfriend claims to have carried "mace" in the past. Is this a brand of pepperspray or what?

I carry pepper gas made by Body Guard. Its more of an orange cloud than mace. I think its a little stronger than regular mace, but I am not too sure.
Ah the smell of 2,000,000 SHU FREEZE+P
Nothing like it to make the sinuses run like
a river and make the BG do the funky chicken.
Hmmm, if it makes the sinuses run like a river, maybe it could help to get rid of this cold I have?
On a serious note, I beleive pepper spray is a very concentrated pepper (cayenne pepper?)
where as mace is some other type of chemical?
Down here in Lousyana they now mix Cayenne pepper in paint for boats, it stops the barnacles from sticking to the hull. Must be good stuff.----Cuz
Hey, Cuz! Dunno did you know, but a lot of today's plastics are vegetable-based. And that's why mice and squirrels eat the insulation off the wires from the solar panel to the battery on my clock-controlled wildlife feeder. So, cayenne pepper painted on the duct-tape I use to wrap the wires...

An interesting Website on Pepper Spray is for some great info and pictures.

Later, Art
lp, try the Punch brand pepper spray. One of the best sprays in my opionion. Contact
Shomer Tec or Aerko International. Email me
for further details if interested.
Whatever the brand, just make sure it says "2 million SHU", is a size that will allow you to carry comfortably, and is of a shape that is intuitive to deploy without the risk of oh say.. spraying yourself in the heat of the moment.
If they'd change the carrier solvent (tastes bad) it would be great on tacos and eggs.

I mix a pepper extract in the whitewash for my fruit tree trunks; and thenspray them once a week with a water solution of pepper when leafed out to minimize deer munching. And the wind has pushed it back to me on occasion....not fun :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
LP: try PUNCH2. Its what i carry on duty, and i have seen people sprayed and been sprayed with this product. MOST UNPLEASANT!!!!!!
I like the Guardian Products Bodyguard or LE-10 (BG-X). I like the way it is made with no 'carrier' and no dedicated propellent. It is also available in the fogger, which I use, or the stream that some others like. The PUNCH brand is also excellent though I am not completely familiar with the way it is made to recommend it over the Bodyguard. It may use a carrier with a nitrogen head gas propellent.
The original MACE brand spray is, IIRC, the same as either military CN or CS gas. In either case, it's nasty stuff, but it's not in the same league as pepper spray (commonly known as OC, for oleo caspiscum).
I prefer the Punch II made by Aerko, or the First Defense made by Def-Tec. I've used both, no complaints.

Have you ever gotten jalapeno juice in your eye? Jalapeno juice is 5,000 SHU. Pepper spray is 2,000,000 SHU.

Mace was usually CN or CN/CS. The older Mace was designed to be sprayed at the CHEST of the attacker and the fumes would waft up and incapcitate him. Sometimes had an acetone base. Not good.

Mace DOES make an OC (Oleoresin Capsicum, tech-talk for pepperspray) spray now, but I haven't tested the spray yet. The Mace brand pepperfoam works rather well.

Goes great on Chicken...

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