Pepper spray? Taser?

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not being very familiar with OC sprays, is there a particular advantage to having the can mounted in a gun apparatus vs a regular OC spray can?

I did find this, which makes the second one(the non-kimber) look nice

Which I guess partially answers my question, being that you can buy water cans for it to practice with.
the questions to ask is what about cold weather? i literally have never found any aeresol product that workd in cold weather, wether it be silicone, PB Blaster or lock de icer. they just dont seem to work worth crap in temps below 40 degrees here in michigan.

and wind dispersal. no one ever had to worry about wind dispersal with a firearm unless your using a shotgun and birdshot.
Gun related?...

These "I want to buy a gun for someone who doesn't want a gun." topics are becoming very tired & boring.
Tasers or EDWs(energy weapons) are NOT firearms.
Please read over the related posts in the training/tactics area.

FWIW: If the woman's skill level or mindset isn't there then don't bother buying her weapons or products she won't use or carry.
Know & understand your local gun/lethal force laws too;
ClydeFrog, remember, you always have the option of just moving on to a topic that suits you.

That said, TFL is not centered on the issue of self defense, though that is welcome in the context of firearms. This board is about the responsible ownership and use of firearms, not their substitutes.

We try to be fair and we strive to be consistent.

Off topic.


No offense intended.
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