Pepper spray recommendations


New member
I cannot convince my wife to visit the range with me or even look at a firearm, much less go for her CCL. I worry about her walking to the garage after work, after class, etc...

I might be able to convince her to carry some pepper spray. I have absolutely no experience with the stuff, however. Any recommendations of brands? Sizes? Where to buy? What I should look for?


I don't know about brands but you should look into the % of capsicum (pepper agent) in the spray. These vary from 5% up to 90%. I would lean towards a higher concentration, but not necessarily 90%.
Lower is Better

I can't remember where I read it, but I am fairly confident that a lower concentration is better. Reason being it acts as a penetrant much better that way. It is faster acting and is not as easily weakened by water since it gets in to the system so fast.

I'll try to dig up a link, but I am fairly confident thatthis is true.
Scoville heat units are more important than % OC.

I have been sprayed with Fox Labs stuff. It is screaming hot. Obviously OC is not a magic spray that makes bad guys immediately wither and wimper for mercy, but it is often very effective on most people. Its better than nothing.

Fox is good stuff.

Lower is NOT better from any data that I have seen and it makes no sense. It may be a ploy to charge more for less by some marketing person. But, if you find some data we will gladly read it.

The larger cans with larger sprays are better. It is good to know that the spray deteriorates in power over time for some reason and the cans should be replaced once a year. If you can find one where it empties the entire canister in one squirt, that would be good. Once you have squirted even a little, it is my strong opinion that you should replace the canister. And, she needs to practice as was mentioned before. So when you find the one that looks good, get three or four so she can practice with a couple of them at least.

There is another false claim as well -- that people need less pepper than bears or dogs. That is not true. Bears and dogs have far more mucous membranes, eyes, open mouths, wet noses, to hit with the spray AND they are not as likely to be hopped up on drugs or to be used to being sprayed, like people are. Use a far stronger concentration for people than for animals.. And, remember... many bad guys have been sprayed now and it's not as useful as it was many years ago when it was first used. 10-15 years ago pepper spray was new and unique, it was mixed with alcohol or other thinners that helped it be more effective and the BGs were surprised by it. Now some of them joke about spraying the pepper spray in thier chili beans to give it some more spice.
There are two common measurements for OC spray: percentage and heat. The higher the percentage, the longer the effect lasts. The higher the heat, the more intense the immediate effect.

Percentage in commercial products usually runs from 2% to 10%. The heat is measured in Scoville Heat Units (SHUs). This is the same measurement used to quantify how hot a chili pepper tastes. Commercial OC spray usually runs from 2-5 million SHUs.

As said above, Fox is the brand most often recommended in these discussions. It is 2% and 5 million SHUs.
Thanks everyone

Many thanks for the replies - as usual lots of good information.

Lawdog - I've posted before about using the "search" function and have learned a tremendous amount doing so. It's been a hectic week so there I go and stick a new thread up on a thoroughly discussed topic. Sorry for the wasted bandwidth!