Pepper spray / knife combination


New member
I just received my order for Fox pepper spray today via UPS. I carry a Cuda Maxx every day. Because I live in occuppied Kalifornia, I can not carry my Glock.

I can not help but think what a good combination pepper spray and a knife are. The pepper spray gives you a less lethal option that works at a distance. If it fails AND you fear for your life, you have a knife as back up. If you were in a situation where you could not run and you were facing an opponent with a knife, the pepper spray could be used to destroy his vision from a distance and, if he kept coming, give you an incredible advantage with your own knife.

I know the idea of using both will be impractical many times. And, I would rather run than fight with a knife. However, if I knew I had to fight with my knife and I had time to grab my pepper spray, it would be an awesome combination.
Also in Kali and Pepper spray and knife is what I carry. I keep the spray in the car within reach but I carry my knife everywhere I go. I agree its as good a combo as we can get here is this great state.
One more ingredient

I would just add one more item to that combo. A good flash light. There are times when carrying a pistol is verbooten but OC, a knife and a flashlight go totally unnoticed. I've found I need a knife and flashlight alot more often then any of my other tools.
In a knife fight, I would have the pepper spray in my left hand and my knife in the right. The pepper would take out his eyes to allow my knife attack more chance to succeed.

All of this assumes you can't run and that you are justified using lethal force. The scenario I would picture would be where someone is intent to kill you and you have small kids with you (you can't run) or where you are eating your big mac and some psyco wants to see how many people he can kill. Pepper spray would double or triple the effectiveness of a knife in this circumstance.
Just be careful when approaching the OC'ed aggressor, so you don't get a handful of your own medicine off him... that can disturb your follow-up :D .
OC spray and a knife are certainly a good, scalable combination of tools for self-defense. You have the ability to use both less-than-lethal and lethal force in a fairly convenient to tote package. The addition of a SureFire light would be a good way to go for those situations when the sun is down or you need the ability to blind without having to worry about wind direction. It also makes a handy impact tool (blind 'em, then strike with the bezel).