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People on this forum kill me sometimes

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New member
I am having a bit of a human torch moment, so forgive me.

Why is it that some posters on TFL can't help but to post replies that do nothing to answer the question? It sends me up the wall.

IF YOU CAN'T ANSWER THE QUESTION OR STAY ON POST, click the "back" button and read something else!!:mad::mad::mad:
glock 19

Honestly, I don't see what the big deal is, every forum has off topic comments in it's threads, often times it lightens the mood of the thread by adding a little humor, other times it's useless. Either way, it's not really hurting anything unless it's entirely hijacked.
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I bought a Smith & Wesson model 19-3 today

nickel plated, 6 inch barrel

pinned, recessed, squarebutt, grooves on both (fore and aft) sides of the gripframe :D
Which has more knockdown power, 9mm or .45ACP???

By the way I'll be using Extreme Shock Ammo whichever way I go....It's way Tactical......:D
Then why aren't you dead yet? With all these folks here, at least ONE of them is bound to be a decent shot.

If somebody kills you, kill them right back!:D

And I wouldn't take a Glock even if you gave it to me!

(actually, if your gave it to me, I would take it, then donate it to some pro gun cause, for auction, raffle, or whatever. I wouldn't keep it for myself, because I like pistols with good triggers and metal frames that fit my hands!)

{note: obligatory anti-Glock rant as balance against pro-Glock forum advice. We must be fair, after all - mustn't we?}
I've seen people go ballistic when a reply isn't 100% dead on to the original post, yet still on topic. If every post in a thread stayed 100% on topic, things would be pretty dull.

If a person can't handle a little drift (I can understand being miffed if a "what 1911 should I get" thread has "a Glock" responses), then teh intarnets may be a little to chaotic for them. Sorry to say it, but a thick skin is needed out here in the packet-switched electronic world of tomorrow.
It must be because the gun I wanted today wasn't in stock.
Hopefully it will be in tomorrow -- :rolleyes:
Hijacking doesn't bother me as much as the people who just can't help but respond to a post when they have nothing whatsoever to add.

The fact that I've been a member on here for eight years and have fewer than 200 posts may reflect my attitude.
Why is it that some posters on TFL can't help but to post replies that do nothing to answer the question? It sends me up the wall.
IF YOU CAN'T ANSWER THE QUESTION OR STAY ON POST, click the "back" button and read something else!!

Do you have an example of postings to provide a clear meaning? I'm not asking for specific member names that posted them, just actual posts that tripped your trigger.

Believe me, I hate it as much as you do. There are some threads that I've started that drifted by post #5 on a completely different venue altogether. However, there must be some wiggle room for basic responses to others' posts during the thread.

Are you also stating if they can't answer or just don't answer the questions at hand? I think there's a difference in context to this. I've posted quite often to the OP that I don't have the answer, but guide them in a direction for sources that can, or give my own experience on the topic at hand...
I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings by providing the specific post. I essentially asked if anyone used a certain brand of speedloader with a certain model of revolver because the manufacturer did not list this specific revolver as being compatible, yet I get the impression that they make a model that fits it just fine.
The person who replied instructed me that I should check the manufacturer's web site to see if they made a compatible model.
On the other hand, I did learn how to turn off signatures today. I can't believe it took me this long to find out I could do that. ;)

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