Penny auction sites


New member
Has anyone ever used the penny auction sites like Are they too good to be true? I assume the people that gets guns for 98% off of retail are few and far between, but even if I could get a decent gun for 25% off is a good deal. Any experience?
The only penny auction sites I ever looked in to required you to buy something akin to "tokens" which equaled 1 penny in the auction basically. Each bid, even if you are not the final winner, you are still out the money, umm, excuse me, the "tokens".

Basically what it comes down to is a way to trick people in to thinking they are buying it cheaper then they really are. You may get lucky, but odds are you wont.

I havent even looked at any penny sites in a long time becuase of this. I doubt they have changed any, save for a new take on the old game.

Just my thoughts.
Caveat emptor. If it looks too good to be true, it probably is just that. I prefer something a bit more predictable.
I had great results buying from Bud's, so I don't think you can safely lump all online gun sellers together.

Some are reputable, others may not be. Do your homework.
I'm not lumping them all together or saying all are bad but I'm not going to assume every site is particularly safe. Bud's is great!
dont waste your time or money. If you just watch the auctions, it will get down to a couple of seconds left on the auction and then it will reset and add more time
They are penny auctions. You pay about a dollar, nonrefundable, to bid one additional penny on the item.

Bidding resets the timer, and the last person to bid gets to pay the low price.

It's basically gambling.
"Penny auctions" are auctions in the same way that slot machines are auctions...........neither is an auction, both are gambling pure and simple.