Pennsylvania shoot, 10/8/00 - pictures!


New member

Some of the members of and got together in northeastern Pennsylvania on Sunday and had a great time shooting up various targets, including televisions, computer monitors, an electric stove and the piece de resistance, a 1986 Pontiac Grand Am!

I had never shot a full auto M16 before, much less at a car! :)

Note also the belt fed guns in .30-06 Government and .50 BMG, which were also used to great effect on said car.

Justin T. Huang, Esq.
late of Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
Looks like you guys had a blast Justin. When will the 3 of us (you, Ross, and I) hook up to do some shoot'n?
ATSA has a study group coming up here on the 21st that I'm going to go to. Justin shows up some of the time. If you can get some time off to go, Son, I'm positive you'll have a blast.

The invite is open to anyone who would like to attend and train in defensive shooting, force on force sims training, and the like. It is held at the West Shore Sportsman Association shooting range. Here is their web address:

Are you going to make it this month Justin?

Ross T.
Ross, I will make it this month, but I have to leave early for a Halloween party. Hope to see you all there.

Glad to hear it Justin

ArmySon emailed me and asked what time it started so I think he's considering it. I'm waiting for his reply.

Anybody else from TFL is invited also. I gave Son a little run down of what to expect if there is anything else you can add Justin feel free to,I'll post it here so that if anyone finds something they are interested in come on down, or up.
They start at 9am but it's usually lecture that runs a couple hours. We
usually shoot right around lunch time. The lectures are very informative and
I've learned tons of stuff from Skip and Jim Garthwaite and the rest of the ATSA crew. We've seen how some investigations are solved from the tiniest of clues left
behind. Also talk about concealment issues, have some LEOs come in and talk
to us about what they see and have encountered. You'll probably learn a lot
more from the lectures than you'd think, it has made me think of tons of
stuff I never would have thought of on my own.

Sometimes the lecture will be hands on. For example we gone into issues of
alternative defensive tools. Canes, folding and fixed blades, unarmed self
defense, flash light techniques, escape and evasion techniques. We have a
FIST suit that we use during some of our hands on stuff so you can go full
power and see how the offender will move with a full power elbow to the mid
section or cane to the ribs and have no fear of hurting your training buddy. We have force on
force scenarios that use sims and code eagle guns that will show exactly how
your training will show you through an actual defensive scenario (or not show you through), hint: most
of the times the problem can be solved without drawing or resorting to
the gun, keep your head, don't stop moving and be aware of EVERYTHING around
you even behind you...ESPECIALLY behind you. I find that the Force on force
is the drills where my learning "what to do", "how to do" defensively has grown
in leaps and bounds. It's changed the way I walk and survey the area all the
time. It will truely open your eyes....

We usually go through anywhere from 100 to 200 rounds depending on
attendance. Attendance usually runs to around 15 at the most 45. You'd be
safe bringing 300 rounds.

Let me know if you're coming I'll introduce you to everyone.

Talk to you soon,
Ross T.

Again anyone at TFL is invited and if you do plan on stopping in let me know so I can meet you and we could have a face to face introduction.

Ross T.

P.S. almost forgot to mention, the shooting is usually pretty fast and accuracy counts as it should be. Drawing is from concealment which is good because if you do carry it's concealed. And we are always moving, never standing still while shooting, move shooting, moving to cover, moving to concealment, moving out of the danger zone....just moving.

New shooters are taken to the side by some of our instructors and brought up to speed so new people are encourage to come also.

Ooops and almost forgot to mention the houses. We have several house scenarios also, where you have to go in to get a loved one or move and possibly fight your way out of a structure. Those are pretty much guaranteed to make you sweat, breath heavy, and scream. Sorta like when your in love but without all that sticky commitment stuff :)

[This message has been edited by ROSANGHAL (edited October 13, 2000).]