Pennsylvania: Firearms Owners Against Crime



The Firearms Owners Against Crime (FOAC) is non-partisan, non-connected

Political Action Committee organized to empower ‘all’ gun owners, outdoors

enthusiasts and supporters of the 2nd Amendment to the Bill of Rights of the U.S.

Constitution and Article 1 Section 21 of the PA Constitution with the tools and

information necessary to protect this freedom from transgression. FOAC was formed

shortly after the City of Pittsburgh's illegal gun and ammunition ban of 1993. This was

an active year for gun legislation in Pennsylvania (Act 84 of 1994-HB 185 the

preemption law, Casey's gun ban) and the United States (Brady Bill, Assault Weapons

Ban...). A number of those who fought the Pittsburgh gun ban realized that a more

politically active role was necessary if we were keep our right to own and use guns.

Our first informal meetings were at the Whitehall Borough Building where we have

continued to meet on a regular basis. The FOAC became a formal Political Action

Committee in early 1994.

We aggressively oppose legislators who want to restrict the legitimate use of

firearms, including personal and property protection as guaranteed by the Constitutions

of the United States and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. We accomplish these

goals by monitoring and reviewing legislative initiatives and voting records of elected

officials. This information is shared with interested parties, such as County

Sportsmen’s Leagues, the PA Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs, the Unified Sportsmen

of PA, the Lehigh Valley Firearms Coalition, PA Gun Owners Association, PA State

Camp Lessees Association and other interested organizations at both the state and

county level.

Visit us on the web @

Or check out our youtube channel:
I understand the deep, almost ancient identification with this right that Pennsylvanians have.

As a Nevadan who grew up in Lehigh county and whose ancestors immigrated there in 1730, let me say welcome to the forum.
Thank you!

Pennsylvania is under attack right now and is quickly becoming a battleground for the 2nd amendment. With Mayors Against Illegal Guns and CeasefirePA teaming up and Philly disregarding state law and unilaterally disregarding out of state permits we have a lot of work. If you live in PA look us up and get involved. We need all hands on deck to defend our liberty!