Pen Gun - Braverman / Stinger


New member
Some of you will remember the Braverman / Stinger Pen guns. They are about the size of a thick stainless steel pen and fold to make it into a single-shot pistol. They were produced, I believe, in the early '90's.

These "pen guns" (not the AOW version) are selling for roughly $700+ on Gunbroker. This is about twice what they sold for when they were being made.

It seems to me that someone could easily start producing these little pen guns again. They aren't that complex and couldn't cost more than about $100 to produce, if that. Obviously there is demand for this novelty.

So, my question is this: Why won't anyone produce the Pen Gun again? Do you think there is pressure from BATFE to "let this sleeping dog lie"? Do they actually cost more to produce than I think? Would it be too non-compliant in too many states?

It seems to me that some one could churn out these things for not much money and make a little profit selling them anywhere above the $500 mark.
I think I paid about $125 for mine brand new. Size was closer to a mini maglight than a pen. I think the design was more to show that you can get around BATF regs than anything else. The AOW pen guns didn't have a grip. The Braverman was legal because it folded to form a pistol grip. They were neat looking, but it was more a novelty than anything else. Slow and cumbersome, it required two hands to pull it apart and fold it into shooting position, then you had to rotate the safety ring, aim (without sights) and push UP on the trigger to fire. I wish you hadn't told me how much they're selling for. I sold mine for $100.
IIRC, what Auto 5 says is true. They were not very practical weapons, and were pretty much a nose-thumbing at the law and BATFE. Another factor was the general relaxation of concealed carry laws that allow folks in many states to legally carry better weapons, where those guns would have been deep carry, emergency use only.

They were not very practical weapons, and were pretty much a nose-thumbing at the law and BATFE.

That's why I am intrigued by it - completely legal, but "in your face" to BATFE. I just don't like it $700 worth!
I dont think enough people are willing to wait a year or more for a single shot novelty deal. I dont think Id want to take over the business of a company that folded ether. They would be cheap to make, but only after paying the massive amounts needed to tool up for production.