Peaceful Armed March on Washington III- sign up for the planning committee!

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Tom Jefferson

New member
Both the original thread and the restart Peaceful Armed March on Washington II have been deleted from the board.
It would appear that contrary to first impressions, this is not a friendly venue for this effort. Can anyone suggest an alternative? I did not record those who had volunteered on the threads so I would appreciate those who would like to continue to develop this action plan along with the petition to list herein .
I am prepared to build a firewalled discussion area for full access planning at my private domain.

I hope you're more careful with firearms than you are your rhetoric.

1) The original thread was NOT deleted. It became a full thread and
passed into the past. Find it at Jan 6, 09:54 AM. Look before you accuse.

2) Nr II thread was not deleted. It is active (above). Look before you accuse.

3) This is not an UNfriendly venue. It is up to YOU to sell your program
on its own merits. I have not noted anyone being nasty to you or denigrating your efforts.

4) You can review all three threads by adjusting the number of threads you
wish to access. Go to the top of the forum and select “Show topics from last
30 days” to find older threads.

5) Creating a “firewalled discussion area”, quite naturally, is up to you.

Good luck on your efforts.

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
March #1 was closed because it was full.
March #2 is currently open and running.
Therefore this is a duplicate thread. I'll close it to prevent confusion.
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