Peaceful Armed March on Washington II

Tom Jefferson

New member
Peaceful Armed March on Washington

In order to insure that our first, and second amendment rights are strengthened and not violated by errant states (California, New York,
Massachusetts, Illinois, Wash. D.C. etc.) which are now prohibiting the open and safe carrying of arms by citizens and confiscating in defience of
the constitution and without proper remuneration, arms which are the right of the people to possess and carry, it is time for a Peaceful Armed
March on Washington while bearing mock arms, placards and balloons. Each particpant will carry an empty cartridge case which will be left on
the steps of the Supreme Court.

The date will be July 4th 2001! Since this is the nation's birthday and a holiday no disruption of federal or local government is planned or

The goal will be for free men to gather and march to the Supreme Court to present a petition requesting the Court to enforce and reaffirm the 2nd
amendment beginning with the District of Columbia.

The key to this effort is to adopt a non-violent political approach like that used by the Civil Rights movement and others following in the steps of

The March will be organized around mock weapons, banners and placards. We will attempt to get approvals and permits.

No ammunition, swords, or knives may be carried by any participant. All participants will be expected to join the March by carrying parade or
decommissioned weapons, mock-ups or toys, plus one empty cartridge case to be left on the steps of the Supreme Court.

The petition shall be created by web based comment over the next eighteen months here on this forum at:

Petition to the Supreme Court
Jace asked:

Tom Jefferson: How about seeing if we could get someone like Lott, Mustard, or Kopel, to speak at a rally?

Who will take up the task of finding contacts for these gentlemen? Who will volunteer to persuade them? And shouldn't we wait until our petition, detailed plan, preparations etc. are at least 30 to 45 days further along?
whoops! Your right Dave! I guess I just not used to how this board works. Now I see that the topic was just hidden by the time view horizon of activity function- a nice feature but deceptive to us newbies.
I recieved a reply from Proffessor John Lott about speaking at this event he would like to know who the the sponsors are, the number of
people expected, and who the other speakers are. He did not rule it out.

Tom Jefferson: I think you need to sponsor a live organizational meeting to take this to the next level. This effort can't proceed effectively until a clear direction is determined, tasks defined and someone assumes responsibility for them. This is best done in person.
Jace I'm happy to sponsor such a meeting. Understanding that the participants in the action committee would come from those participating here and on other boards and forums.
I have no sense of the geographic locations of these people and therefor we would first have to build up a list with locations and then find avenue that a reasonable number of interested members could attend.
I for one, am located in Northern California.
I'd be willing to go, but I would probably need to carpool with somebody who lives here in Texas.
I'm in New york City, I suggest Kansas City as a meeting place, Its only about a 3 1/2 to 4 hour plane ride from most of continental US.

Washington DC would also make sense. It would be a good idea to become somewhat familiar with the city before you have amarch on it.
Born 'n raised in D.C., a block from the Supreme Court just behind the Folger Library. I would be glad to give a tour (but don't chose the venue for this reason). Otherwise, given a yet to form agneda (but assuming it would be less then two days) a good choice would be a non-holiday/convention time at an airplane HUB city like Dallas, Denver, St. Louis, Atlanta or Detroit (but please not O'Hare! or LAX!).
COUNT ME IN!!! I live in SE Iowa, and it's an easy jaunt to KC. But as far as that goes, I could meet nearly anywhere.

Best Regards,

[This message has been edited by Donny (edited January 12, 2000).]
On an off note, Jace (and any others interested), as a activist in the civil rights and other movements in my youth I learned that government agents are
glad to join and rabble rouse a perceived movement and its central group. The board we are on is surely a magnet for ATF
and FBI surveillance. It would be very easy for such people to disrupt a core group in its formative stage (even if later the
actions of these agents was thrown out of court or even secured them a serious punitive rebuff). Any suggestions for having
more founders then agents at this meeting?
want a model to base on?

gee a half page article/add in yesterdaze local paper

the lemmings will get all the coverage they want

Wolves just don't flock as well


"walk softly and carry a big stick, one that goes bang in .308 is fine"
Yeah, let's show up on the same day as the million mom march, and break into a mob riot to teach them a lesson. JK

Actually, I love the idea. Keep us informed. It's high time we demonstate we're not going to be demonized and ignored any longer.
Tom Jefferson, I agree with your assumption about recruits from the gov camp. I have nothing to fear from them, personally. I'm not advocating overthrow. Any organized agency, org, etc., is expected to be under scrutiny by fed agents. It's a given.

Any actions given to induce illegal activities would surely be an indicator of an implant. Any suggestions of stirring the turd with other org's have to be considered as harmless fun in statement only, not taken seriously.

I'd be willing to bet the jewels we've already got an informant in the midst. If that's the case, he/she are welcome to come along and see what a non-violent gathering is all about, IMHO.

We should NOT carry flags, other than the current American flag with 50 stars. Nothing meant against the Confederate Flag, but that's another cause altogether.

No KKK references.

No Nazi flags for the media hounds to spin on.

No UN, or other national flags to fractionalize our meaning, or purpose.

No militia sponsorships.

No political icons, or flags.

This is to be, as I understand it, a gathering to usher attention (read-media coverage) to the fact that gun-owners ARE PEACEFUL critters, not war-mongers, or murders as depicted by media slanting. And to focus attention to the fact that 70-80 million gun-ownewrs are about to cast a vote. A vote that is going to have a devastating effect on leftist concepts of what they think America should be.

My wish is that the voting eligibility should be as this:

1. If you have no firearms, you get one vote.

2. If you have 1 firearm, you get two votes.

3. If you have 20 firearms, you get 21 votes...and so on.

I'm good for 25 votes right now, let's go to the booth!!

Best Regards,

Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.

[This message has been edited by Donny (edited January 14, 2000).]
Donny, you are probably right and certainly we are a peaceful group trying to exercise our first and second amendment rights.
That said, strategies to consider are:

Affidavits of participation, attesting to our intent to participate lawfully and non-violently. And affirming that we are not members of the organizations you listed as well as law enforcement or government agencies might be appropriate.
Tom Jefferson,
That's a good idea. If there is trouble (doubtful), there would at least be some "legal" paperwork as declaration of intent to adhere to intended purposes of gathering.

A standard waiver form, I think, would suffice. With specific language to nullify association with individual, and the individuals association with gathering, in the event of wrongdoing by same person.

Suggestions, please..

Best Regards,

Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.
Tom Jefferson: I agree with you about the dangers of an agent, however the cost us of not doing something, far outweigh any of the risks.

Donny: I disagree with your voting criteria. Your system would require us to record the number of guns we own and give the most votes to the wealthiest. The constitution prohibits such. The fact is we all have the same to loose, and all have an equal say. This isn't about guns and gun ownership it's about our elected officials failing to observe the contract between them and us. The Constitution and Bill Of Rights are the rules for the elected to obey. They seem to think it's for someone else, we need to get them back in line.

As for a meeting place, I think we should consider Sacramento Ca that is if the AW registration protest mentioned on this board is going to go anywhere. Does anyone have info on it? If not then we should meet in Washington DC and support the moms4guns march against the million mom march. Perhaps we could share some synergy and make all of our individual efforts more substantial. Point being if we have to be on the road lets get the most out of it.

Here's the links to what the ladies are doing.

[This message has been edited by Jace (edited January 19, 2000).]
Jace, by all means lets proceed ahead! Sacramento sounds great to me! Lets set a date, time and place. By proposing some terms of commitment I'm not proposing to abandon the meeting and march only some documentation to make it harder for government or other agents provocatuers to foul up our efforts.