Peace of mind.


New member
Peace of mind.

It is midnight here and I get a email from lady friend.

I am okay, I did not panic, I was not afraid, I was prepared and felt safe…

A single lady, an older returning student like myself, earlier this year she obtained her CCW. Now state regulations do not allow firearms on Campus. She sometimes works late, has to travel between work, home and school she had questions. One reply I gave was “ I do not park on Campus.”


"Recall a secure lockable container is not only a good idea when traveling for valuables - state reg's for out of state recip too"

Oh yeah!

Simplex handgun safe is secure in her trunk – I installed it. Only a select few know she has a CCW, the safe or anything along these lines.

“Keeping one’s mouth shut – keeps one safe” Something else I shared.

Evening class for her let out early – mine ran late. She went to her office afterwards to get something she forgot leaving in a hurry to make class, then made a run to the late night grocery store.

She had a flat on her way home, probably due to some construction along that route. Single lady, alone, and of course the lights are down the road some distance. So she limped with flashers on to a lighted area, and called a neighbor. Since leaving class she had her CCW on her hip. Backpack in the trunk.

She was not afraid, had her cell-phone and CCW. She said she almost swallowed her tongue when the blue flashing lights approached – first thought was better be a marked unit with all the suspicions of blue light rapist running thru my brain.

It was a marked unit, older LEO. He asked if she was all-right, sitting in parking lot with the flashers on. She replied she was – her right front tire was not doing too good though.

Officer assists with the tire change and the neighbor shows up. She had explained she can change a flat – just figured having another person for safety was a good idea. Officer agreed and stated if she wanted to continue with the tire change he would supervise – and promise to not make wise-cracks. One of those great officers with a sense of humor.

He didn’t ask for my DL, so I didn’t have to show my CCW permit [ we are required to do so here] he was really nice, still I had mixed feelings about what if I had – and in a way wanted to have to show it.

One has to know this lady to understand the humor in all this.

‘My tire will be okay, just a hassle to have it fixed, in the meantime my car looks really stupid with a toy tire”.
“I remember a time being caught out with car trouble and being afraid, I was not afraid – I felt so…so…Good!”

"Oh, I would have emailed you sooner. I was tired – then got my second wind with the flat- we wanted better light to check the other tires; so the three of us went to the Convenience Store, I bought the officer coffee, my neighbor a soda and I needed Chocolate, class was tough, and I have some homework to do still…I needed chocolate

To see this lady go from what she was to where she is has been great! She has that peace of mind and assurance that comes from doing what TFL is all about.

Don’t care what she says – she went for chocolate, not to check on the other 3 tires. ;)
Good story. I'll have to let my wife read it. Maybe she'll decide to become more proficient in gun handling and choose to get her carry permit.
I've been told the roads in Texas (at least in Austin) are well maintained.....but if you were in Illinois I'd rip into you for that comment :p Around here the only reason construction guys are on the road is because they don't do the job right in the first place and thus secure their own jobs year after year. :mad:
Not to get sidways with this thread, but generally the roads are built too cheaply because the engineers don't want to spend the money to build them right the first time. We can certainly build roads that will not require any maintenance, but it costs to do it. Costs less in the long run of course but the powers that be don't want to pay the freight up front. Typical govt spending technique.

But enough of that:

It is a great thread that shows how a person can retain their confidence, and therefore their dignity, by being armed.
everyone, thank you for the kind words. Actually it is I that thanks you all.

I was raised a certain way and TFL reflects these things. I have continued to learn and I believe we are to pass forward as passed to us.

Update: Poor girl is taking a class I have already had. I refuse to stress out about this class, so before I get more "loster" and off on the wrong foot, get yourself over here and show me how to set up my PC"

Well I can see where the big screw that found her tire came from - a small strip center is being finished up with the interior and most likely some of these fell out of a truck. I show up and she is shooting rubber bands at her monitor with a rubber band pistol.

Stress relief coupled with trigger said trigger time was impotant... :p

I had to ask why she bought more chocolate at the Convienence store - having been to the grocery store earlier. I wanted Heath Bars, and the grocery store didn't have any... That makes sense to me, buy a "get by" chocolate fix, until one can get the Heath Bars.

I had brought Heath Bars, [I ain't totally stupid] so before I sat down to show her how to get started on this Class, I told her I needed to see her CCW permit. :D

Grinning like an idiot she pulls out her permit...Now do I get a Heath Bar and shown how to get this class started?

Turn about is fair play , so I get her set up and while she gets started I play with the rubber band gun, I have to get me one of these- it is a great stress reliever and gives one peace of mind.

About the third time I shoot the monitor while she is cursing the Access database on screen...she pulls back her oxford shirt used as a cover garment for CCW, exposing her CCW You do that one more time and you are in big trouble mister...I read the fine print in the State reg's, it is legal to shoot a "distraction" while learning Access. :D

I reminded her I had more Heath Bars...still, I went to shooting the back of the chair across the room instead. I mean bribery is one thing, then again I understand the frustrations with Access and perhaps we do need to amend our State regs about that "distraction" clause".

I also brought some AZoom snap caps, amazing how quick a person can grasp a concept to hurry up , and get to try out new ones. Not used to having shiny ones, mine are all scratched up and ugly. I reminded her scratched and ugly is a good thing.

You have that hard advanced class, how is that one going?
"Mine is gonna require a rubber band shotgun - a handgun version ain't gonna cut it". - I replied. :D

Seriously - never been worried about zombies and such, it is the getting from point A to point B in everyday life activities I concern myself with and try to pass forward to others.

Denny- the gal suggested you do a review of rubber band guns for indoor trigger time , muscle strength /stamina, eye/ hand coordination and stress relief. Heath Bar review is optional. :D