PD Trade in questions


I just had a local Sheriffs office approach me wanting to trade a M14 for new equipment (not necessarily new class III firearms). Problem is they cant find the paperwork. My questions are:

1) do you have to be a class 3/SOT to do this kind of transaction?
2) If no, how do I find out if these are transferable?
3) If they are transferable, is the $200 tax still applicable since it is coming from a dept?

I appreciate all responses...
I take it this M14 is a class 3 weapon? If it is I would check the with ATF on the regulations as im almost 100% sure you have to have a class 3 dealers liscense, or pay the 200 tax and fill out the forms to take possesion of the weapon yourself. If you can get in touch with a guy named shaggy, he seems to have quite a bit of insight on class 3 stuff.
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You gotta have them find the paperwork if its a machinegun.

If not, they'll have to contact BATFE and find out its status for you. It could very well be the gun is transferable - in which case it could transfer to you as a non-FFL/SOT and be worth quite a bit of cash ($9k to over $16k depending on various factors) though a transfer tax would be due. OTOH, it could be registered on a form 10, which if I recall correctly, cannot be transfered out to anyone but a FFL/SOT (with a demo letter) and would not be transferable.
Thanks for that bit of info....I do however have another question regarding that...

IF it has never been papered at all.....can they register it on form 10. Form 5 would be out of the question since it is after '86, right? IF that is the case does that make it a pre-86 dealer sample since it was manufactured pre'86???