PC9/40 versus Mini-14


New member
Crucify me for this if you must, but for some reason, these two rifles have held my interest. I just can't seem to get them out of the corner of my eye. All the "bad" posts on the Mini haven't turned me away. And the PC line has also held my eye. Just the concept of simple, semi-auto small calibre rifles fascinates me. And for some obviously strange reason, these fascinate me more than the AR/AK rifles. I know, just for saying that I can take my bags and get outta here and move to another board where my "type" are welcome. But hey, I like them. I'd use them for fun mostly. Plinking would be the main purpose, followed by some possible enlistment to trail-defense (let's not get back into that again though) for the two-leggers. Ok, fine, I'll admit it...I just want another rifle to reload for. So the combination of all of these points has really caused me to look further into them. Anything I should know? Ghost ring sights are a must on both models, I know that. And I know the magazine issue for the Mini. I am not much concerned about accuracy past 75 or 100 yards. So, which *gulp* is better?

I would have to first say, buy all three! But then again, we are not all made of money. Since you like all three, think of practicality at this time. What are you already set up to reload? Do you have any handguns in 9mm or 40? Actually I know that question is a no (I remember these things scary enough. Good thing I am not ATF!).

I too like the looks of those Ruger Carbines, but I just don't need one right now. If I owned guns, I would have two M1 Carbines that already fit that need, if I owned guns. Otherwise I might buy one in .40 just because I might work for a department that uses .40, but they would probably never let me carry it anyway.

The two Rugers will be cheaper to shoot, especially for reloading. They will not quite have the range as the Mini14.

My final on it all. Go with either of the three. You are going to be happy no matter what. Now you just have to decide how much you want to spend and what are your capabilities and resources for buying mags and ammo for each particular gun. Now I am through cause you lit a fire in me about those ruger carbines.

I have a PC4 w/ghost ring and just love it. It has replaced my 870 as my inside the house defense gun. I too like the mini-14 and might get one some day. I do not like the AR style guns because to get a good one you have to spend big bucks. My PC4 w/+p 155 gr. GD clocks a little over 1400 fps, plenty of stopping power!

Take Care
Get the Mini-14 (or the Ranch rifle). I'm a proud owner of a SS Ranch rifle with factory folding stock and a Tasco PDP3 red dot sight (I also have several factory 20 and 30 round mags :D). It is simple, reliable and accurate enough for any personal defense use out to 150-200 yards. My AR rifles are more accurate but I prefer my Mini for most uses. Despite what most guys here say about Mini rifles, they are GREAT. I think they are just jealous that Mini rifles only cost about half of AR's :p
There is nothing wrong with the Mini-14. I have one of the stainless models with a Buttler Creek folding stock. I love it. It's a jam-free weapon.
Accuracy isn't enough for half-click range sniping, but I'm not a sniper.
Get one, you'll like it.
Go with the Mini. I've had one for about 10 years and I love it. Not as accurate as my Bushmaster but it will hold it's own. Reliable mags are out there, you just have to know what you are looking for. There are also lots of cool aftermarket goodies for the mini! (check out Brownell's newest catalog)
For plinking fun and sheer joy of shooting, go PC. The Mini14 is fun, which is why I bought one, but with the PC mags are cheaper and ammo can be cheaper (gee, with surplus .223 getting almost as cheap as 9mm, the real advantage to 9mm it's lighter). If you ever get a Ruger pistol to match (same mag & caliber), you're set for uni-caliber/mag transition drills.
I've always had trouble justifying having a rifle that is only capable of firing a pistol cartridge when you could have a rifle of roughly the same size and weight that fires a real rifle cartridge.

Of course I love my wife's M1 Carbine and I'd really like a Marlin Cowboy gun in 44mag. So I guess I contradict myself! All in all though, I'd still prefer the mini.
I go a Mini 14 Ranch for its chambering: wanted to have ability to defeat soft armor. I got rid of it because, while the design was nice, the quality was lousy. I now have a Mak90 for the "home carbine" role and an M1 carbine+Garand for the pure enjoyment of the rotating bolt action. But, IMO, Mini is out on the grounds of insufficient reliability. Parts are hard to come by, too...you depend entirely on Ruger for repairs.
Have both a mini 14 and an AR. Don't have scopes on either one so the accuracy debate doesn't concern me. I can make coffee cans jump at 200 yards with either one. Oh yeah the mini has proven more reliable.
I would actually go with an sks. Ammo is cheaper than 9mm.
If you don't mind I have been hearing great reviews about the hipoint carbines. They go for less than $200 and are available in 9 or 40.
Unreliable? My Mini-14 rattles off like a Maxim!

And I keep hearing good reveiws of the Hi-Point Carbine as well. Any of us have one?
My mini is reliable as hell! Spare parts have never been a problem. I replaced the gas block screws years ago because (stupid me!) I buggered up the originals. I ordered them from Ruger and they sent them quickly and with no fuss. More recently I began having extraction problems. The problem was a broken extractor plunger. A quick call to Gun Parts and the problem was solved. I've never had a problem getting parts. My gunsmith can fix whatever I cannot. Actually, that extractor plunger is the only real parts failure I've had in 10 years. (and I've shot that rifle a lot!)

I can't say for the mini but, the PC4 is very easy to strip and clean. A neat gun to work on also. I added the Ghost Ring sights and the tactical lite. I love to work on my own guns, I have really learned a lot about them that way.

Take Care
The PC4, does just the action/bolt assemble tear-down, or does it tear-down to where I could clean from the breech? Just thinking about cleaning from the muzzle makes my eye twitch.
