Paul viability: Who would be his running mate?


I like some things about Paul, and I dislike some things about him. My ideal candidate would be an outspoken Constitutionalist with sound plans for this country.

Ignoring whether Paul is that person or not:

Who would Paul run with for his VP? Or who would Paul accept as the senior ticket holder and submit to being VP for?

I don't think he would willingly run with ANY of the current crop of candidates, with the possible exception of Thompson... maybe. He'd have to tap somebody from the political fringe like Badnarik in order to match policy.

What do you think?
He said he likely wouldn't be a VP for anybody unless they too were constitutionalists. Maybe Thompson, but judging by wose numbers than Paul, I doubt that would happen. I like Walter E. Williams. I think it would be hillarious to have a ticket of 1. Elderly white physician and 2. chain-smoking, black, elderly economist.

Certainly, Paul will need somebody strong to make a case in the Senate for him. That may mean somebody younger, but who knows? Charisma does count.
A name that's been floated is Judge Andrew Napolitano, though I'd rather he be a Supreme Court nominee.

There's former Congressman Barry Goldwater, Jr. who endorsed Ron Paul back in November.

And, there's South Carolina governor Mark Sanford whose name has been mentioned.
Porky the Pig would be a perfect VP candidate for RP. Because when Hillbama is ripping RP to shreds during the debates, RP's voice would start rising, and he'd start stammering and pointing his finger (we've all seen it), and at that moment, Porky could jump out from behind RP, smile, and say:

Dibada Dibada Dibada That's all folks!

Additionally, I think that the fake Ron Paul dollars ought to have Ron Paul's face on one side, and Porky the Pig's face on the other side. That way, when you are the victim of the "drop method" and unknowingly accept the fake Ron Paul dollars as payment for anything, at least your kids have something fun to look at after you figure out that the Ron Paul dollars are not real US currency.

Plus, Porky's not a bad lookin' VP.
Porky the Pig would be a perfect VP candidate for RP...

Letsee substance, no intelligent comment with regard to the OP, no credible citations. Where have I heard something about this before? Oh yeah, the L&P rules..

Drive-by posts have become all to common and will be deleted. Continued abuse will result in a ban from L&P. Drive-by posts are characterized as: being devoid of substance; attempting to advance an agenda without credible citations; no intelligent comment to the topic at hand.
Porky the Pig would be a perfect VP candidate for RP. Because when Hillbama is ripping RP to shreds during the debates, RP's voice would start rising, and he'd start stammering and pointing his finger (we've all seen it), and at that moment, Porky could jump out from behind RP, smile, and say:

Dibada Dibada Dibada That's all folks!

Additionally, I think that the fake Ron Paul dollars ought to have Ron Paul's face on one side, and Porky the Pig's face on the other side. That way, when you are the victim of the "drop method" and unknowingly accept the fake Ron Paul dollars as payment for anything, at least your kids have something fun to look at after you figure out that the Ron Paul dollars are not real US currency.

Plus, Porky's not a bad lookin' VP.

You beat me to it, Fremmer, except I was going to say Donald Duck. Darn it!
Thank God that we don't have to worry about what kind of VP Ron Paul would pick because its not going to happen. Ron Paul will not be selected as a VP running mate by any of the current contenders. I guess everyone missed the tag team that they put on Ron Paul during Saturdays night Debate. Every Candidate was laughing at Ron Paul. He was the joke of the night.

Sundays Forum was much better with Ron Paul on the sidelines.
Well, let's see here, redhawk. I'll do my best to steer this back on course....

A name that's been floated is Judge Andrew Napolitano, though I'd rather he be a Supreme Court nominee.
There's former Congressman Barry Goldwater, Jr. who endorsed Ron Paul back in November.
And, there's South Carolina governor Mark Sanford whose name has been mentioned.
...quoted by Pat H

As much as I usually disagree with Pat, I think that I would have to take serious thought on two of the three suggestions...

Judge Napolitano definitely knows how to take legal mumbo jumbo and explain it in lamens terms especially on Constitutional issues. I think that he is highly intelligent and keeps his own views separate from what the Constitution and BOR is supposed to be interpreted. Even as a judge, he comes across as amiable, articulate, well educated and has common sense. Those last two attributes are hard to come by to possess at the same time these days in politics...

Barry Goldwater may be a decent choice, but I don't have a formed opinion.

I don't know Mark Sanford at all, so I also can't comment.

If there has to be a candidate currently running that he would consider choosing as VP, I'd say either Huckabee or Thompson....but I don't think that's even in the cards...
Fremmer I think I know why your post count is so high, mate ;) Your posts about RP lack substance, are full of poor attempts at wit, and are easily debunked - but you sure make up by making so many of them.
On a more serious note: do you have some sort of personal grudge w/ RP?
Please leave PP out of this, he's a great American and has earned his retirement.

Maybe Borat Hussein Obama?

Their foreign policy is a match. They both think that the "establishment" casued the jihadists to declare war on us, and that even though ignoring their first attacks didn't work, we should return to an "ignore the bullies" policy.
The Judge would probably make a pretty good VP. I have been researching Walter E. Williams since his name got dropped. I bought one of his books but haven't read it yet, just excerpts. From the excerpts I have read I could probably get behind that guy.
FolksLaPush: I would add one thing to your post: Yes Barak and Ron have similar views on the aggitations that has brought on the GWOT. They have good company too. The CIA and FBI bin Laden groups both agreed with that assessment.

So- you can believe what you believe nomatter what. You are in good company as well. It appears that the entire Republican party is right there with you- regardless of what the CIA or FBI or Department of Defense (Chief of Staff of the Army)say.

Why do we have a CIA if the Republicans don't read their research and intelligence reports? Why do we have Generals when the Republicans don't listen to them either? Remember General Erik Shinsheki and what happened to him when he said it would take double or triple what was proposed to invade Iraq? No- you probably don't. Rumsfeld essentially neutered him and brought on Generals who agreed with him, rather than the Generals who didn't.

How many dead in Iraq before they finally went with General Petreaus who went back to General Shinsheki's original plan (with the new name "surge")?

Way to go Republicans! Great job! Don't listen to the CIA, FBI, Pentagon and just see the world the way you want to see it and fire those who disagree. Criticize a minor presidential candidate because he does read the constitution (and call him a fringe kook to boot), and abides by its constraints, reads the intel and forms policy decisions based on what the the above constrain him to.

Maybe y'all should look up Ron Paul's reading list for Rudy and study up.