Paul Helmke Stepping Down

There aren't many details yet, but Paul Helmke, current President of the Brady Campaign, has announced his retirement.

He served since 2006. Bringing him on was a shrewd move for the Brady Campaign. Helmke was ostensibly a Republican. He presented himself as a moderate, and he was a master of spin who helped tailor their image accordingly.

Under Helmke, we started hearing phrases like "sensible gun laws" and "reasonable regulation" more often. He vehemently opposed the Heller case, but immediately after the decision, he pronounced it a victory for their agenda.

He was also deft at turning a direct idealogical loss in the McDonald case into a set of talking points about what local laws would or wouldn't pass constitutional muster.

Ten years ago, this guy could have been truly frightening, but his tenure came a bit too late. He was quite unique for his role, however, and it remains to be seen if they'll find someone equivalent to replace him.
Its always hard to evaluate someone's performance when their team is on a losing streak... did they do the best with what they had or would someone else have done better?

In any case, I hope Mr. Helmke's replacement is less successful than he was.
Yeah I have mixed feelings.

It was great to have him there as long as he kept losing (Cam said the paper couldn't list a single one of the claimed 'victories' lol )
Helmke was the captain of the Titanic after it struck the iceberg. He had no hope, nor would anyone charged with defending the un-defendable. That said, don't let the door hit ya' where the good lord split ya'. Buh-bye now.
Under Helmke, we started hearing phrases like "sensible gun laws" and "reasonable regulation" more often. He vehemently opposed the Heller case, but immediately after the decision, he pronounced it a victory for their agenda.

I'm sure a low-paid back room public relations hack came up with the phrases. Helmke and his ilk are talking heads, not thinkers or doers.
I no longer have to hide my head in shame.

I no longer have to hide my head in shame.
I just read in the Sunday Urinal gazette of Fort Wayne that the GREAT Paul Helmke :barf: has stepped down as the Brady bunch lead.
I read how he had tried to do so much to reduce the harm the guns cause but in many cases was stopped by the NRA that marks any one against their agenda an anti gun person which he is not.
He actually said that he was not trying to take guns away from people. This came from the mouth of the lead of the Brady bunch.:rolleyes:
I was also surprised that the article said that many people on his side of the isle felt that Helmke has been “ineffective.”.
In that they lost several important anti gun laws. First the assault ban then the DC ban.
He also stated that most Americans are for stricter guns laws but the grass roots are not there to support it. Whatever that means.
Any way I am glad he’s gone, I no longer have to hide my head in shame because I live in the City he was a total ineffective mayor during a time of major business moving out of the city before he climbed on the Brady band wagon.
At the same time I am sorry to see him go from the Brady group. We need someone like him in that position. Invective, unimpressive and unrealistic.
Good by Paul, please don’t come back to Fort Wayne, our current mayor is bad enough, and we don’t need you to make it even worse.
He also stated that most Americans are for stricter guns laws but the grass roots are not there to support it. Whatever that means

I think it means the same thing as a politican saying most Americans want to pay higher taxes. In other words, a LIE!
He also stated that most Americans are for stricter guns laws but the grass roots are not there to support it. Whatever that means.

It means that the Brady's take general principles that have widespread support and push for the logical (or perhaps illogical) extreme of that principle.

For example, most people support keeping guns out of the hands of "dangerous criminals", but the Brady's want to label anyone who got caught with a joint at a rock concert 30 years ago a "dangerous criminal". Similarly, most people would support keeping guns out of the hands of the "mentally unstable", but the Brady's want to label anyone who's ever seen a psychologist as "menatlly unstable".

The Brady's and other similar groups are famous for "creative" wording and manipulation of statistics. A vauge idea or generic statistic can be manipulated to say anything one wants it to. The claimed percentage of Mexican crime guns coming from the U.S. is a prime example of this. When closely examined, most of the Brady's "facts" don't hold water, but they sound impressive as a sound bite from a talking head on TV.
Unfortunately, he will be replaced by someone just as bad or probably worse.
Given their increasing irrelevancy, terrible recent track record, and rapidly shrinking budget, I don't anticipate them attracting any real star power.

Helmke gave them some blush of credibility, but I doubt they'll be able to find someone similar.

the Brady's want to label anyone who got caught with a joint at a rock concert 30 years ago a "dangerous criminal".
Well, maybe if it was a Journey concert...;)
the Brady's want to label anyone who's ever seen a psychologist as "menatlly unstable

The Bradys consider anyone who wants a gun as mentally unstable, just because they want a gun!

Caught with a joint 30 years ago, and want a gun today,...dangerous criminal, mentally unstable....

Caught with a joint at a liberal fundraiser....exercising your personal right of freedom of choice!

Any body else think there might be a teensy double standard at work?