Paul Harvey - Must have been the guns!


New member
I pulled this off of another forum and had to post it here. Thanks to "Swamp Hunter" for the input.
Paul Harvey read this on his radio show.

For the life of me, I can't understand what could have gone wrong in Littleton, Colo. If only the parents had kept their children away from the guns, we wouldn't have had such a tragedy.

Yeah, it must have been the guns.

It couldn't have been because of half our children being raised in broken homes.

It couldn't have been because our children get to spend an average of 30 seconds in meaningful conversation with their parents each day. After all, we give our children quality time.

It couldn't have been because we treat our children as pets and our pets as children.

It couldn't have been because we place our children in day care centers where they learn their socialization skills among their peers under the law of the jungle while employees who have no vested interest in the children look on and make sure that no blood is spilled.

It couldn't have been because we allow our children to watch, on average, seven hours of television a day filled with the glorification of sex and violence that isn't fit for adult consumption.

It couldn't have been because we allow our children to enter into virtual worlds in which, to win the game, one must kill as many opponents as possible in the most sadistic way possible.

It couldn't have been because we have sterilized and contracepted our families down to sizes so small that the children we do have are so spoiled with material things
that they come to equate the receiving of the material with love.

It couldn't have been because our children, who historically have been seen as a blessing from God, are now being viewed as either a mistake created when contraception fails or inconveniences that parents try to raise in their spare time.

It couldn't have been because our nation is the world leader in developing a culture of death in which 20 million to 30 million babies have been killed by abortion.

It couldn't have been because we give two-year prison sentences to teen-agers who kill their newborns.

It couldn't have been because our school systems teach the children that they are nothing but glorified apes who have evolutionized out of some primordial soup of mud by teaching evolution as fact and by handing out condoms as if they were candy.

It couldn't have been because we teach our children that there are no laws of morality that transcend us, that everything is relative and that actions don't have consequences. What the heck, the president gets away with it.

Nah, it must have been the guns.
Well, Paul Harvey has always impressed me and he still remains a great example of what the Media SHOULD BE!

I guess its time that I had better think about placing that old 357 in a locked safe cause it may just leap off that nightstand and shoot someone....


That man is GOLD!

Paul Harvey = Common Sense.

Regardless of what the media polls claim to express as public sentiment, Paul Harvey, simply and eloquently states what most Americans truely believe.
I really like that guy, but I've only heard his show a few times.

Does anyone know when, and what station his show is on around Houston, Texas?"
I'm surprised! I have heard Paul Harvey advocate various anti-gun themes. Frankly, I can't remember what he proposed that ticked me off - Brady bill, assault rifle ban, or whatever. But I remember swearing off listening to him for some kind of anti-gun rhetoric.

Obviously, he made a SUPER broadcast (above).

He may not feel guns are responsible for the violence, but I believe (I have no proof) that he is something less than our champion.
Keep your eye on Mr. Harvey. And please let us know what others have heard in the past.