Patriotic service at Memphis National Cemetery


New member
Today we did our annual Patriotic service at Memphis National Cemetery. During this event we place a small flag on every grave in honor of Memorial Day. Indulge me, I feel like bragging.
A little background. Back in 1983 the VA was looking for some help to put these flags out as it generally took the small cemetery staff about a week to get the job done. A couple of Boy Scout troops volunteered to go in the Saturday before Memorial Day and handle the job. It took them all day, but they got it done.
Over the years this event has grown into a Memorial Day service of it's own. Under the guidence of Joseph "Buddy" Crenshaw, this event now includes a full ceremony with Guest speakers, Honor Guards, music and a staff of about forty volunteers. Each year we now average about 1200 Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and others who come to place flags in honor of those who have served our country. Not one of these people, including Mr. Crenshaw is paid to do this. We are all volunteers. We do it for pride, for honor and out of respect.
Today we placed a small flag on each of the 48,000 graves here plus posted 250 3'X 5' flags along the mile long center road. We had enough volunteers on hand to accomplish this monumental task in under one hour.
This marks my tenth year to serve on the staff of this event and I'll be back every year as long as they will have me. There is nothing that can compare with the pride I feel as an American when I work with this group to honor the men and women buried here.
The price of freedom is blood. Take some time this weekend to honor those who paid the bill.
yeah, a very well done. it also teaches the kids to respect the people that fought and die for their country, and for their freedom, and that the cost of freedom is sometimes very high. you are indeed lucky to be able to participate in such a thing..

fiat justitia