Pat Buchanan: Save us from the Establishment

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Paul Revere

New member
For those of you vasilating on a choice for our next president, I'd like to point out a few important facts.

It is true, that no matter how "conservative" a republican claims he is, unless he is completely detached from the "establishment elite" (CFR, Tri-Lateral Commission, Skull and Bones, etc.) we can expect nothing short of a continuation of the leftist agenda. Nixon, who once claimed to be a "Goldwater Republican" (the most conservative of the conservatives) brought our nation further left than nearly any other president before him. As president, George H.W. Bush, also a republican, introduced us to the term "New World Order". Bush fit the profile of and for the establishment elite and delivered to them a continual leftist slide on his policies, executive orders, and politics.

Democrats and Republicans begin to look more and more alike as time goes on. But that isn't just a coincidence. Clinton's politics are obviously leftist motivated, as he takes his marching orders from the same group of elites who gave him the chance to become return for accomplishing their objectives.

Gun owners who focus their attention strictly on a potential candidate's second amendment voting history (ie, George W. Bush), neglect to grasp the broader picture of that candidate's true devotion and loyalty.

This is why it is so important for us to find a candidate who's loyalty and devotion is not with carrying out the marching orders of the leftist establishment elite, but in bringing us back in line with a government that mirrors what our founding fathers once penned. Pat Buchanan is such a candidate. His sharp attack against the establishment has brought him a barrage of character assination attempts by the leftist controlled media, left politicians, and leftist candidates. But this is just how the leftist game is played...dirty and corrupt.

But the broader picture is clear, so long as we allow the "main stream" candidate (George W. Bush) to become president, we can count on continual attacks against our rights (not just our second amendment rights). We need to think in broader terms and elect a candidate who wants an end to the leftist controlled "establishment", returning America to its rightful place, abiding by the Constitution.

An interesting article about this very thing.
What we really need is another George Washington, Patrick Henry, Tom Jefferson, Ben Franklin. Are there any statesmen in the house?

We don't have a chaplain here, but I don't view that as any major problem... You can rest assured that you will not go in that bag until I've said a few appropriate words over you
R. Lee Ermy as Sgt Major Haffner, from The Siege of Firebase Gloria

Your question poses an assumption on my part that you don't buy into the "theory" of a conspiracy in our midst. Additionally, your comment regarding "straight thinkers" leads me to believe that you feel that those that could believe in such a conspiracy "aren't" straight thinkers.

If you are truly and sincerely interested in learning about the massive evidence of this conspiracy, you will need to devote a considerable amount of time to this study. Not that your time will be consumed by attempting to uncover new evidence, but by reading the massive evidence that is available to anyone wishing to read it. The first thing you'll have to do is go into this study with an open mind, because a conspiracy can be something as simple as two or three people keeping the truth from others...hiding or misrepresenting facts, perpetuating lies, covering up illegal acts (some, even treasonous acts).

When you learn that all of the major players in this conspiracy belong to the same organizations (ie, CFR, Tri-Lateral Commission, Skull and Bones), whose stated objectives ignore the very principles of our Constitution, you will begin thinking straight! The most difficult thing to grasp about all of this evidence, is the question; Why hasn't the mainstream media reported on this? Just look who the major players are, and that will answer your question.

It is fair to start your study off slowly, but since you are online, a great place to start is with The John Birch Society ( ). Read their organizational purpose first, see if you think they are straight thinkers. They are not kooks, they are intelligent pro-Constitution folks who want our freedom back. They have an excellent source index which will take you to places like...

Books like, "None Dare Call it Conspiracy", by Gary Allen, and "The Satori and the New Mandarin" (will get the author's name for you) are also great for starters.

To ignore what is available outside the mainstream sources is laziness. Answers to many of your questions will soon be answered by this study, and you will certainly NEVER look at the main stream media sources the same again. You will learn that much of the damage that's been done in America has been done by means of "Executive Orders" which are a clear and blantant abuses of power and completely un-Constitutional. Monica Lewinsky? A mere traffic ticket in the scheme of things happening in D.C. Find out for yourself. Use that powerful brain to learn the truth.
All I know is, who ever is elected as the next President he will appointing 2-3 Supreme court justices. I know you don't want AlGore to have that responsibility!!!!
Bush is a winner and he he playing the middle (just like Clinton did) to be elected. He will change to the way he really is after election day. Trust him and remember he is our best chance for us getting back the white house.

Do the names, Gadianton, Kishkumen, or Zeezrom mean anything to you?


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
1) If Bush appoints Supreme Court Justices he probably will appoint
moderate gun control judges rather than the radical gun control
appointments of the Democrats.

Why not elect a President who will RESCIND the unconstitutional
infringements on our Second Amendment? If we quit supporting the same
old establishment, we could elect an AMERICAN President rather than one
who believes in the destruction of our Bill of Rights!

2) Bush is a winner? How? What has he won? Ann Richards GAVE him
the governor’s office - he didn’t have to earn it.

3) Trust Bush? Which one? Why? Should we read his lips?
By GOD anything that helps us stand up against the present two party system is good and wholesome. Let's not forget what both the democrats and the repbublicans have wrought for us. ( a continual loss of our freedoms!)

TURN THE APPLE CART UPSIDE DOWN! DON'T VOTE FOR EITHER THE DEMOCRATS OR THE REPUBLICANS!!!!!! Show them that the people still have the power................ Or are you ALL whimps who are going to vote because of the way you think things are based on the popular media?

You need to go against the grain!!! You need to vote as you see things instead of how the powers that be want you to vote! It's time to show the power brokers that we regular people want freedom. Or are you all part of the masses, willing to throw your vote away for temporary convienience? The answer is simple. Vote AGAINST rebublicans and democrats. Show them that we ain't part of THEIR system!!!

[This message has been edited by Frank Haertlein (edited October 25, 1999).]
Esqueeze me, but trilateral commission or other touchstone silliness notwithstanding, Pat Buchanan has demonstrated repeatedly, most recently at the '96 Rep convention, that he is a hateful, reactionary, isolationist dictator wanna-be who is playing the fundamentalist fruitbars for all they're worth. Don't be a sucker. Forget the "splitting the vote" question and avoid slitting your own wrists.

And no, the "names" Gadianton, Kishkunen, fishwrappen, or rottedpotatostinken don't mean diddley to me. The word freedom does, as does the concept of thinking.
Thanks guys for all of the responses.

I have listened to a lot of short-wave radio and read a lot of patriot info on the internet and for the most part I am not convinced.. There is a definate move towards centralized world government, but I don't believe in a grand NWO conspiracy.

I think that a lot of so called patriots on short-wave radio and on the internet are nothing more than modern day snake oil salesman. The tell all kinds of wild stories about black helicopters and foreign troops on U.S. soil, in order to sell to sell survival products at inflated prices. I'm not saying that there aren't a lot of honest, dedicated patriots out there who doing a lot of good. It's just that too many of them have been fooled into beleiving all of this conspiracy garbage about gold fringe on flags and stuff like that. Sheesh!

The dishonest patriots prey on the unaccomplished among us and give him or her a "cause," something to believe in, thereby putting direction in an otherwise directionless life. This individual now thinks he has an inside track on some secret information and he will dedicate his life much like a follower in a cult. This so called secret information gives the individual a sense of superiority, because he is now in the "know."

This tactic by the dishonest patriots is nothing new. It was practiced by doom and gloomers during the Cold War in much the same manner. Now that the Cold War is over, some other boogie man had to be invented. The New World Order now fills the bill as the latest boogie man whereby the unaccomplished can be scared into buying gas masks, gold coins, or whatever.

All of this talk about conspiracies, just sidetracks us from what we need to be doing to save our Second Amendment rights.

I will stand behind the NRA, GOA, and JPFO and continue to support them.

Remember that the next President will nominate three Supreme Court justices. Think long and hard before you waste your vote on a third party candidate who has no chance of winning. (I said one who has NO chance of winning)


Join the NRA and vote.
As much as I want to vote for "none of the above", there just isn't anyone worth blowing a vote for.

Pat Buchannan says a lot of good things, esp. 2nd Amendment related. Unfortunately he's getting increasingly viewed as an anti-semite (see today's long WSJ editorial; looking bad and he's not doing much to squelch the label) and has some arguably liberal agenda items. He's got a few things right, but he's working hard at overshadowing those with other issues and biases.

There is the fact that voting for Pat (or Don, or Jessie) will take a vote away from the otherwise-voted-for candidate and give it to someone who will not win. What's interesting is that the Reform party is getting positioned to become a real contender; I'll vote that way if they come up with a good candidate...and I think enough people will vote then to make a serious run.
:D Larry P.

That's good! "...fishwrappen, or rottedpotatostinken..." :)

Old history. :D

Thanks for the laugh!


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
I saw one of Pat Buchannans new friends on tv last night, Lola Falonni, a New York anti-semite marxist.
If this is the kind of friend Pat has now, he certainly has changed.
As for Pats charge, (and several TFL regulars) that there is no difference between a republican and a democrat-all I have to think of is Barney Frank, and the two gals from California. Liberal and antigun.
Why did E. Dole drop out?
She couldn't raise money and she couldn't get support for her anti-gun views.
I use to like Pat, but he doesn't stand any chance of doing anything, except make it worse for us!
John - your calling them Gadianton Robbers?

Sounds about right...

Quite a few in Congress...

[This message has been edited by George Hill (edited October 26, 1999).]
FWIW, I concur in most of what nralife says about the NWO conspiracy theories. Everyone who disagrees with us is not evil, many are ignorant. Some are misinformed. Very few, I believe, are actively seeking to harm the US.

The stupidest exercise of government regulation in our history -- prohibition -- was the product of "do-gooders," not "evil."

Whether there is a cabal of evil geniuses at work against us or not, the arguments in favor of the right to bear arms are the same -- the notion that all other rights in the constitution are guaranteed by the empowerment of the citizenry.

The weakest rhetorical position in all debate is the ad hominem argument -- if you disagree with me you must be immoral. This position merely reinforces the stereo-type of rkba supporters as paranoids, incapable of rational thought.

I believe we are better off focusing on supporting a known good idea - rkba - and explaining its merits to anyone willing to listen.

That idea does not depend on the existence of a vast conspiracy, simply a recognition of the oldest of political maxims, that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

[This message has been edited by abruzzi (edited October 26, 1999).]
Name calling is the oldest trick in the book...of cowards. Sticks and know the blurb.

The character assination attacks on Pat Buchanan are meant to..."tell a lie enough times, people will begin to believe it". Call him an "anti-semite", a "Hitler wantabee", "racist", or whatever the liberal leftist controlled media and their fellow conspirators dream up, and Pat is still the only guy in the game that doesn't hide from the truth, he doesn't play the political correctness ploy. By identifying America's conspirators (the establishment elite) as Pat has so forcefully done, he has angered these leftists into fitfull rages of schoolyard name calling. And America begins to believe these repeated lies.

Those that don't think government conspiracies exist, take a look at the Waco revelations. Those people (Branch Davidians) were Americans who were purposely demonized by the government (and the pundits in the press) to justify the unnecessary aand extreme force taken upon them (80 innocent men, women, and children). The fire was not set by the Davidians, but by the incinerate all evidence in their first of many attempts to cover-up the truth. This is a conspiracy! Simple. We caught them lying and covering up this truth.

I'd like to ignore the massive evidence that supports the conspiratorial aims of a real and tangible "establishment elite", and their goals to form a Global monopoly, but that would be negligent on my part. I could easily focus on just one of my Rights (RKBA), but that would be neglecting all of my other Rights that are being attacked by this planned monopoly. The Socializing of America is not a conspiracy my friends, it is REAL! A central government with unlimited powers is NOT what our Constitution outlines, but it is what we currently have. Did that happen by design or by coincidence?

We have an opportunity to send a strong message to the establishment and the current Socialist regime in D.C., as did the election of Jesse Ventura in Minnesota. It said that Americans don't want to be lied to, that our freedom is precious, and we will not give it up. And if we have to elect a "third party candidate", so be it.

I have always been a very conservative Republican, always voted for the "lessor of two evils" in presidential elections, always believed and supported the Republican Party platform. But that road has led to the same end. The platform is not being adhered to by ANY of our Republicans! Our freedoms are being destroyed, and we have allowed that to happen by believing in the status quo.

We have to remember the true Constitutional role of the Executive Branch in government, and quit thinking that we are electing one person that will solve ALL of America's problems. The Executive has VERY limited powers (if he protects and defends the Constitution). But he can VETO any un-Constitutional legislation that spills out of Congress. And that is where a guy like Pat Buchanan will be most valuable. No matter what Shumer or Feinstein or Durbin or any other left bent politician wants for us, their infringements will have to pass across a desk of someone who will take his oath to office seriously (for a change).

Do you really think George W. Bush has received over $36 million from people like you and I? He's a bought and paid for part of the plan. Just as Clinton sold out to the Red Chinese.

Of course!

History is repleat with examples of those who would be in power through devious means. I believe that to say our times are different is not "straight thinking".

Although, I think of congress more along the lines of Zeezrom (ya'know, the corrupt power hungry, lawyer type...)


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
Al gore was assured election yesterday with Buchanons declaring for the third party! The 8% he will draw will put Gore over the top

Before you go on another Bush-Bashing rampage, please inform the rest of us about what exactly he has DONE (not said, especially during an election campaign) that is so against the Constitution and the RKBA in particular.

I am getting a little tired of hearing how he is being "crowned", of how he is a limp-wristed moderate, of how he was handed the governorship by Ann Richards (believe me, that wasn't so in the least!) and of how he somehow does not deserve the amount of money he has raised, equating him to a Red-Chinese-funded Klinton wannabe.

As informed voters, we are opinion leaders in our inner circles and in our communities. And as opinion leaders, we have the responsibility to not only see things clearly, accurately and objectively, but also to justify whatever opinions we have with facts. Otherwise, we fall into the same bucket as the Geraldo Riveras of the world, who just spew opinions out of the left field and whose only likely audience are the misinformed and the non-thinkers.

Here are the factual reasons why I will give my vote to Bush:

1) He gave Texas one of the best-written Concealed Carry bills in the Country, with some of the fewest restrictions;

2) He never wavered before International pressure about the Carla Faye Tucker execution; instead, when he was told "Mr. Governor, it's only up to you at this point", he stood in front of a microphone and said that his ultimate responsibility was that of defending the Law and the Constitution, both of which had been followed by the letter in the Tucker case;

3) He forbad the State or any of the cities here in of Texas to sue Gun Manufacturers;

4) He repeatedly proposed laws which would empower criminal courts to prosecute teen murderers as adults;

5) He repealed a lot of laws (some of them 100-year old or more) that were making life complicated for citizens (like a law that made it illegal for Texans to take out Home-equity loans)- his view is, the less Government regulations, the better;

6) He encouraged cities to enact NRA-backed anti-crime projects similar to the one in place in Richmond, VA; now Fort Worth, my town has a similar project in place;

7) Ever since he has been governor here in Texas, crime has gone down dramatically, while we have become empowered to carry handguns in self-defence - criminals remain in jail and no one's death sentence has been revoked;

8) When he runs campaigns, he does so without smearing the opponent, just by sticking to the facts - he never responded to Ann Richard's vicious and petulant attacks, but he remained gentlemanly and stuck to the facts;

9) In spite of what the media say, and sadly enough some of you already believe, he does talk about what he stands on! Just listen to the guy speak! And if you want more, just wait until after the primaries, and hear him talk one on one with his opponents! You'll hear facts!

10) Talk about the money he has raised.... Hey, I gave him money. A lot of my friends and co-workers gave him money, and gladly so! And a lot of people, firms and organizations in the rest of the Counrty seem to think the same, that he would make a fine president and they want to help him get there; what's soooooo bad about that?!?!?!

11) I NEVER, EVER, EVER, "E-V-E-R" saw him take even a single, tiny baby-step in the direction of gun-control, and believe me, I'm no softie about gun control! He has REPEALED a post-Civil-War-vintage statute that forbade Texans to carry guns in public places instead!

These are all facts. You can disagree with me on the interpretation of these facts, but the facts remain nonetheless.

And here are some more facts about why I will not vote for Buchanan:

1) He has not been nominated yet, but the media has already destroyed him;

2) The polls show that he would be lucky to get 10% of the national vote;

3) His views on international trade are the same that were adopted by Japan about 5 years ago, effectively castrating that country economically;

4) The Reform Party, which would in effect be elected with him were he to become president, is made up by too heterogeneous an ideological group. While it is true that some of the most "conservative" have defected to that party, it is also true that under that banner stand some of the scariest liberals I have ever had the disgrace of hearing - Lola Falonni, anyone?

Remember. An election comprises two kinds of people going to the booths - the leaders and the followers. The leaders follow the debates, form a first-hand opinion on the candidates and vote accordingly. The followers vote by hear-say (hey, my friend XYZ told me that the Democrats are "for education", so I'm voting for Gore). Unfortunately, the latter make up the overwhelming majority of the electorate. And, even with all the good intentions in the world, the Reform Party is a party of ideologues, not of sheep. But it takes the sheep to make the numbers!!!! Believe me, the Reform Party does not stand a chance!

If you are younger than 20 and not a Liberal, you have no heart.

If you are older than 20 and STILL a Liberal, you have no brain.
I have to stand with Paul on this one. It all begins to make sense.

Al Gore is a stage prop to ensure the election of the chosen one, G.W. Bush. Buchanan is the real threat to Bush, which seems to be why so much attention is being paid to his Reform party bid. Gore is a joke, and far too close to the Clintonistas to ever stand a chance in the Oval oriface. Those that want to control the game play both sides. They make republicans fear that by giving their votes to the Reform party, they'll simply be giving their votes to the Democrats. They make people believe that there is no possible way a Reform candidate could win. Sounds like a bunch of non-sense to me.

I like the idea of a fresh non-player at the helm. A guy that won't tolerate the gross usurpation and corruption which continues to eat away at our freedoms. If we indeed want a change in the way things are done in Washington, we will really need a big change starting with the top dog.
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