Passage of Feinstein Bill: Would that be the day TSHTF?


New member
What are your opinions? After all, many of us speculate that the Gov. is going to take us down piecemeal. Looks like a big piece to me.
The chances of that bill passing in the next year is approximately the same as that of a gunpowder cat walking through Hell.


[This message has been edited by LawDog (edited May 17, 2000).]
Quite possibly. And I can't even write my senator about it, as I currently live in the PRofKAL. Stocking up on ammo. Lots n lots of ammo. crankshaft
Just like what we here in Austria and most other places where private citizens can legally own guns have:

Registration of all guns and owners.

Congress doesn't have the Constitutional authority... Not that that really matters these days...


Nothing threatens freedom so much as self rightous ignorance.
Passage of Feinstein Bill: Would that be the day TSHTF?

In my opinion, yes. I hope it doesn't come to that, though. But I will be ready if it does. And, just like the FBI keeps a list, so do I.
No, if you think about other laws passed this one isn't such a big step.

Incrementalism. . . .

Of course, the NRA will compromise with "registration lite" - I have no doubt that when registration passes, it will have a clause "government shall never confiscate registered weapons". Of course, previous bills say "government will not keep lists of people or guns".

It is my understanding that there is a move to impeach her based on the fact that she is a dual citizen (U.S./Israel).

Any fact to this? PLEASE let me know so we can boot her!


Oregon residents please support the Oregon Firearms Federation, our only "No compromise" gun lobby.

Well said, Sir!


Let's also note that the original agreement says "shall not be infringed"!
A gunpowder cat! Thanks for the image, LawDog.

Concerning the question, let me say: I hope it would. That would be the last straw.