Parusing the Enemys webpages!

Jason Demond

New member
Do you remember a few months ago when I posted the open letter to the NRA, Well in this months NRA magazine the NRA answered back. I thought it was a well written response. Well the richard crainiums at handgun control ink have answered the NRA with their own disinformative response.

Check this out!
Kimber Man,

I'm sorry but I'm not following this. I vaguely remember the open letter (if the TFL search feature was working I would re-read it ;)). I regularly read the anti sites. Can you provide a link to their response to the open letter?
The link to the open letter is dead.
But I can tell you about it, it was sent to the NRA tell them how they are not gun haters
and was signed by some 200 celeberty. I will see if I can find it some were else.
Hi Everyone-

The best part about HCI's web site is reading the "School Shootings" section or the "Children & Guns" section.

Personal responsibility is never questioned! Rarely is anyone listed as actually "pulling the trigger." In 95% of the accounts they illustrate, they read something like this....

...while passing the revolver around the group of friends, it suddenly went off, striking the innocent 13-year-old in the abdomen...

...after retrieving the loaded automatic pistol from an unlocked drawer, the 11-year-old Timmy Jones playfully pointed the firearm at his 9-year-old sister, when it suddenly went off. She is listed in critical condition."

Of course, these are all terrible tradgedies, nobody is denying that. To place the gun at blame is outrageous. Heck, before I was even in Kindergarten, I knew not to touch any of "Daddy & Mommy's guns."

Kids have a tremendous capacity for learning, if you're going to be teaching them foreign languages and math at young ages (which seems so popular these days), teach them safety lessons that could come in handy right away.

Regards to all,

~ Blue Jays ~

[This message has been edited by Blue Jays (edited August 08, 1999).]

I spent about 10 minutes at the HGCI site and I want to puke. Where is Aaron Zellman and the JPFO when we need em to rebut this garbage.
I don't see how anyone could read that trash long enough to find anything.

If children are taught to respect firearms at an early age they will retain those lessons. I was taught to shoot as soon as I could hold the weapon up long enough to aim properly. I knew not to touch dads guns without him around. I never had a BB gun until I was 22 and bought my own.

The NRA has an excellent program for children, Eddie Eagle. This program teaches children to stop, leave the area and tell an adult if they find a weapon. The NRA has asked the people who signed that letter to them to put their money where their mouth, or pen is in this case, and help finance the Eddie Eagle program in schools. No doubt the responce will not be overwhelming.
Anyone notice how HCIs web site was internally inconsistent with regards to its statistics and figures? In their so-called "information" page, one spot mentioned something like "34000 firearms deaths in 1996" then another page said "9390 handgun deaths" and then later (on the same page) "13788 firearms deaths", in and around all the other blahbiddy-blah. So, Mrs. Brady, how many people were shot and killed in 1996? 1000? 10000? 100000? You really don't know, do you?

I also think it's a little odd how they fail to qualify their numbers. They might say "1500 firearms deaths", but they don't mention anything about who was the murdered and murderer. How many were innocents murdered by a mugger or carjacker? How many were a drug dealer murdered by a rival? They don't say because they don't care. It doesn't matter to them- they will use any figures, even make-believe ones, to justify their intrusion into our homes. Be watchful when they say "only 212 justifiable homicides"- these are just the ones that are immediately evident as justifiable and reported as such. Many more are later cleared by the Grand Jury but noone bothers to follow-up with the FBI.

Blue Jays,

I, too, noted the lack of regard for personal responsibility. I didn't look at "Kids N' Guns" (yes, Mrs Brady, those two words do go together!) but elsewhere I saw a citation where they mentioned two adolescent boys were handling a gun when it "accidentally discharged". (sarcasm)Hmm, I wonder just what caused that gun to "go off"? Since it is possessed of self-will, it must have really disliked those boys, right? (/sarcasm)

Here's a link for ya'll to read regarding the erosion of personal responsibility, courtesy of our government re-education camps also known as "public school".


ARGH! After 5 tries, I can't get the stupid link to work! So here it is, cut and paste it to your browser, or whatever. I HATE COMPUTERS!!! :(

Never mind, I finally got it working! :) :) :) :) :)

BTW, Kimber Man, I couldn't find any responses to that "open letter". Help? :o

"Is fhe'arr teicheadh math na droch fhuireach"
-Sarabian Oomodo

If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP!

[This message has been edited by Jedi Oomodo (edited August 09, 1999).]
The Nra response was in this months issue of American Gardian. The response from the hand gun control people is on their web pages opening page.

You know what is funny is the fact that hci must be reading the Nra's magazine.

"Are we at last brought to such an humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted with arms for our own defense? Where is the difference between having our arms under our own possession and under our own direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?"
- Patrick Henry
Am I just blind, or what? I'm on their opening page, I see a "News Alert" an "Action Aert", a stupid propaganda graphic, and a site map. Kimber, do I need a seeing-eye mouse?

"Is fhe'arr teicheadh math na droch fhuireach"
-Sarabian Oomodo

If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP!