Parking lot incedent


New member
I recently had knee surgery so I am on crutches. I was leaving a Target store. 3 mid 20s men were outside in the parking lot. They followed me towards my car but I was not overly concerned until one of them kicked out my right crutch and another pushed me from behind. I hopped around on my right leg and pivoted on my left crutch. I dropped my left crutch as I drew my pistol and came about to face them. They were close enough that the one was cross eyed looking down my barrel. My finger never made it to the trigger before they turned tail and ran. I called the police and told them what happened and went back into target so they could get the parking lot camera tapes.

The police arrived and took my pistol and statement while they reviews the tapes which supported my statement of events but were way to grainy to make identifications on the perps. My pistol was returned and no charges filed against me.

In years in law enforcement and as a private investigator I never had to draw my side arm but my training definitely took over. My gun was cleared, safety disengaged and in position in no time. Trigger finger positioned below the slide just like in practice draws. In hind sight I may have reacted on the extreme side due to my lack of mobility. My suggestion to everyone is to practice practice practice every part of your shooting from draw to fire. in this instance my training served me well.

Good luck and be safe!
I don't think that your reaction was extreme. If they'd gotten you down it could have been an entirely different outcome.
How can you possibly think you reacted on the extreme side? They had disparity of force, and could have had your weapon shortly, after getting you on the ground. Ever see the video of the Texas constable overpowered and murdered by 3 small drug smugglers? He wasn't on crutches either.
I would say that out numbered 3 to 1 on crutches, your reaction was appropriate for the circumstance. Sure did work for you, didn't it?
What city was this? I live in Iowa and do not hear of much of this kind of thing happening, might be a Target I want to avoid.
Too bad you didn't get to beat the daylights out of one of them with a crutch until he narked on the others.

You probably could have pulled the trigger on the one staring down the barrel and been justified, you had disparity of force big time.
You did not over react, someone kicking someones walking support out is a NO NO!!!! It is worse than kicking someone who can walk without support. They saw you as a easy target and went for you. You did right.
If that had happend down here in FL, you would have been within your rights to take out all 3 of them.
If you had acted on the extreme side, I'm confident the LEO's would have told you so. I'm glad you were not injured. Those three people were lucky. Someday they won't be as lucky.
Yes you did good. I also agree that you should have beat that one guys brains half out with your crutch and if the other two tried to intervene than grab your sidearm
Nice job, and even better for not pulling the trigger. Three guys probably just had a "moment of clarity" and perhaps it will change their lives for the better.

Nice post, drawing a weapon doesn't always have to end in bloodshed.
It was the Target in Waterloo. It can be a nasty town in places but this is right on the main drag. Not an area that sees to much violence.

I'm a big guy 6 ft 280. Even 3 on one I'm not sure I would have drawn so quickly had I had 2 fully working legs unless they displayed a weapon or took a swing. Things being as they were though I felt vulnerable and was angry about being targeted as an easy mark. Things could have gone worse for sure and I'm happy with the outcome. I do hope the guys learned from the situation and there may have been a fleeting thought of chucking a crutch at em as they ran but I figured if anyone witnessed it would look bad.

What really scares me is that I left my pistol in the car when I went into the hospital for a post surgical check. When I got to Target it was just getting dark and was 10 or 15 ft away and realized my crutches were not hitting my gun on my side and I went back for it. Damn hospitals and their no weapons policy could have cost me a beating.

My only regret is that you didn't have the opportunity to take these three mutts out of the gene pool. Your actions where more than justified by disparity of force, your inability to retreat and probably disparity of age.

You also raise a very good point in that many of us go to the range to pratice but we don't practice from the holster. Even I'm guilty of this.
Excellent, appropriate and well executed! I can only pray I'd be as capable in a similar situation. Now I will hope and pray our Creator serves justice to these cowards, but I'm confident that will happen ;)

Well done!
Everything sounded good until the part about the a--hole cops taking your pistol. Assuming you showed them a CCW permit, I see absolutely NO LEGAL REASON for them to take your gun.
Glad it turned out the way it did. When I see what I perceive as a potential threat, I let them know, in a non-threatening manner, that I'm aware of their presence. Sometimes just a look in their direction will give them pause.

Not saying something like this won't ever happen to me but I hope I'd not let 3 suspicious looking dudes get close enough to my flank to launch an attack.