Parking lot guns OK, but...


New member
I have brought a gun to work and left it secured in my car here in Florida since it was approved.

Here is my problem. When the work day is over, I find myself concerned about
getting it ready for CCW in an IWB holster.

While all this means is 30 seconds max, I worry that the very good security
cameras on company property could potentially catch me.
I don't like to have to attach my IWB while driving or stopped at a light.

Any advice?
If the company cannot stop you from having a firearm in your car, they cannot stop you from having a firearm in your car if they see it on a security camera, correct?

Perhaps I don't understand the FL law well enough, but what action could they take? It is still in your car.
Why not just leave it in the glove box? I mean in the event that you need it while you are in your vehicle it will likely be easier to reach in your glove box than in an IWB holster.

Otherwise if you must have strapped, I'd wait and do it off the lot. It may not be illegal to holster it on their lot but you might save yourself a lot of headaches at a later date. If caught and your employeer wants to push it, they could say you brandished your firearm in the lot.
Any reason why you can't carry an empty IWB holster into work in the morning, and fix it in place before leaving work via the restroom stall?
I have a similar dilemma. I have found that I can comfortably transfer my gun from the car holster (read: pocket holster secured to the inside of a lockable compartment) into it's IWB holster at 2 o'clock while more or less seated in my car. But I leave it in the car holster until I arrive at my destination, presumably somewhere where I can carry legally.