Parking in the night--security?


You have finished your days work and you park in the underground garage,security garage with a gate, lighted parking lot, etc... as the gate closes behind you, you notice a person sneaking into the garage before the gate closes all the way.
You lose sight of the person and you can't see him anywhere. You're beginning to question whether or not you saw anyone, so you exit your vehicle and start walking towards the elevator, stairway, door to your unit.
Up pops the BG with a knife in his hand. Now what?
I know it is an easy situation for you guys to recommend a solution, but this real perp was able to successfully abduct at least 7 plus women in the Orange county area (just south of Los Angeles) before he finally got caught.
So just for a mental exercise, how do we avoid falling prey?
What do you do, if this happened?
Backpedal to gain a little space while drawing, then shoot him until he no longer presents a threat. If I have anything in my left hand (you DO keep your gun hand free, don't you?), like a briefcase, I will throw it at him as I begin to backpedal.
This is why we never just hit our garage door button and walk into the house before the door is down. Number one, you should not have gotten out of the car. Sit tight, let the predator come to you. As soon as you see them lean on the horn, start your engine and be ready to drive out of the garage if they attack the car.

However, assuming you're already out, once you see the knife in the BG's hand you increase the distance, draw on him and order him to drop it and keep his hands in sight. From there on in it's textbook. If he complies, hold him at gunpoint and get the cops as soon as possible. His fingerprints on the knife and unauthorized presence in a secure building will justify you.

If he does not comply, administer one unit (controlled pair) of Bad Guy Remover to center of mass and assess the situation. Reapply as needed. Call the cops for carcass removal.

If you are unarmed, and are not Bruce Lee, you'll have to get a car between you and him and play ring-around-the-Buick till someone comes along. Or you could do as many official authorities advise, just crap your pants and get raped/robbed/stabbed.
I'd stay in the car. With it running, and in gear. And call the cops... And if the guy got anywhere near the car, and I saw any sorta weapon, we'd see if the trauma unit could save him...
If I see a person actually sneaking under/past a security gate in a parking garage, I won't be thinking, "Well, maybe I didn't see anything." I know I saw him.

I'll stay in the car, engine purring, windows and doors locked, pistol in hand, until I'm sure what the situation with this dude is.

IF I'm outside my car and he pops up, pulls a knife, I'll immediately, without any warning whatsoever, send him to that "Great Prison In The Sky From Which There Is No Parole".

I've seen too many people terribly cut up, killed, including a cop who was literally beheaded and eviscerated by a guy with a knife. No cute movie/teeeeeveeee dialogue from this child.

Even if I don't have a firearm-

I still have two tons of car!

I wouldn't believe I had imagined a perp, unless (perhaps!) he had wings and hooves. Maybe not then. If I-for some unknown reason - got out of my car, it would probably be because I was carrying a sidearm in my hand. It would be low-profile. If I ran out of gas before security got there (of course, I'd call from cell phone), I would be getting out of my car casually carrying one of my martial arts weapons- like a virtually indestructible 3' stick. Yeah, c'mon.
prevention should have been used well before this point, but...

toss him the carry bag in my right hand, while backing up, like the coward i am....just to slow him down, 4.5 rounds of .357 sjhp...that'll give me time to reload....

have planned for this situation...leave work every night in the dark, and take great pains to prevent just such a advatages: perperation, a second person (in her vehicle first), bright flashlight, motion activated lights outside, and a healthy fear of the dark (and getting hurt/maimed/pulverized)

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