Parents and Guns (my mom found out), part 2


New member
Unfortunately, this is something I can identify with. I've owned firearms for about 5 years (I'm 27) and have still not told my parents for the same reasons the original poster stated. I don't think my parents would react quite as severely, but I am still not looking forward to that day.


Anyone worth shooting, is worth shooting twice...
Good idea err dorcas,

oberkommando, you crack me up ! Believe me, I was tempted to do just that. One of my coworkers stuffed a copy of "Soldier of Fortune" in my work bag and suggested the same thing. oh yea, while I am just two tens over 4 plates on each side, my moniker is the result of a long and funny story. No weaponry involved, so maybe its not appropriate for the board.

Ernest, I appreciate the info and the #'s. At this point in life, I barely have enough time to got to the range (60 hr work week). But I copied and pasted the info for possible later use. I have a question , where can I get a list of ranges in my area (L.A.) ? The range I shoot at now is great, but its indoors and you can only shoot at a distance of 15 yards.
Come on fellas!
Lets get some back bone!

Your not "Coming Out" for crying out loud!
Your making a stand - a declaration of your own dawg gone independance!

"Mom, Dad... I want to tell you something. Some time ago I made the decision to be responsable for my own life and safety. I protect myself. The idea of relying on strangers for protection sickens me. I have been a member of the NRA for many years now, and I am liscensed to carry my own gun. Dad, there is a Gunshow this weekend, and I would like you to come with me."

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud

[This message has been edited by George Hill (edited November 19, 1999).]
It not so easy or funny when your trying to "take a stand" to a crying, hysterical Mom. I did, and I lost her respect. I care more about her than the NRA.
I can sympathize... You should have seen my folks when they saw my Earing.

Or my motorcycles

Or Ultralight

Or Car

Or Fiance

Or enlistment papers

Or hell - I dont got time... You get the point.
But it is hard when Mom isnt happy... Best of luck.

But my little dialog could be used verbatem to most folks and would get good results if you said it with a straight face.
Sounds like you mom will Never accept it.
Your choice:
Whats more important to you?
A. Mom
B. Guns
C. Both are Important and should not be mutually exclusive.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
I agree w/ what George said!! Muscles, I've been there, and nope, it ain't fun, but you're grown, and mama ain't always gonna like what you do. But you have to do what is right for you and your life, and mama is going to have to realize that. Mother's don't want to let go, and it ain't easy on them, and not to sound harsh, but she's going to have to get over it. I know you're going through a hard time, and my best wishes go out to you, but you gotta stand up!!!

Muscles, you CAN have both. Many TFL members have converted anti spouses, fiancees, boyfriends and girlfriends. If you can convert a girlfriend, you can convert your parents. Your parents probably are more sure they know what's best for you than your girlfriend, but they also probably love you just as much if not more.

Remember too not just to apply this to guns--this goes for EVERY part of your life. This talk was easier for my fiancee with her parents because we hadn't backed down when the mother-in-law tried to uninvite my SO's dad (her ex-husband) from OUR wedding. Good luck.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
You only have one mother, and I really do believe in honoring their wishes.

Chances are you'll never need that gun anyway. Heck if you get mugged or robbed, it's not going to hurt much anyway. If some thug kills you, chances are it will be a quick painless death.

And, of course watching your girlfreind being gang raped by a group of scum is a small price to pay for making your mom happy.

No, it's better to sell it, after all guns are for criminals, why would a nice guy like you want to defend yourself or a loved one? Just turn the other check, and accept what society deals to you.

You don't seriously believe you have a right to self defence anyway or you wouldn't have bothered to ask us.

Think that's kinda harsh? Well life is harsh. And when something happens and you need to defend yourself or a loved one, niether your mom, nor the police will be there.

So go ahead and sell it. Just remember the bad guys are keeping theirs.

The new guy.

"I'm totin, this pistol because my dang SKS won't fit in my holster"
Just glad I don't have to go through this. My mom completed Florida Crim Just Firearms course a few years ago. That and we lived deep in the woods and Dad was patroling mid shifts.

So I can't relate, but I think the disowning and not inviting you Turkey day is a little too much "reaction" on your parents part.

But no matter what YOU made the right choice.


Root Hog or Die Poor
Jimmie- Good, stark evaluation. I think MmG has gotten past the "mom" thing though. Muscles, glad things are not as dark as earlier described. I have to admit I share Jeff's concern about you being on the receiving end of a personal crime wave. Care to share some circumstances and other relative info on the events?
Well G-Freemen, I happen to agree. Everything for now is smoothed over. November 30th I am a full flegded member of the gun owning community, and I still get to go to Thanksgiving.

Want to know the strangest thing ? My dad is a jeweler with a very basic security system in his shop. All the doors are glass and are not barred. 6 months ago, one of the other jewelry shops in his building, two doors down was robbed. The owner sustained a shotgun blast to the leg, and his wife was shot with a 9 mm three times in the arm and head. Fortunately they both lived, granted, they're still recovering. This is NOT the first time a robbery has occured in his building, it actually happens with some frequency.

This doesn't deter my father from his pacifist philosophy, nevertheless, when he told me a gun was the last thing I needed, or for that matter, just about anybody he knows, I cited the above said example. I guess he has a short memory, and at that point our conversation ceased.

I respect my father's decision to not own a gun, I just hope, God forbid he never needs one.
Laughs... Kodi... err George, I think my parents would feel better about me comming out then me owning guns.

bkm (who is straight, btw)

Anyone worth shooting, is worth shooting twice...
This may not go over well. So be it.

Your mother sounds like a woman who is used to controlling people through emotion. This may not be the case regarding yours, but either way...

Your going to have to develop the backbone to talk to someone who is crying and blaming you. You'll have to engage people like that in a serious, non emotional manner. When you know you are right and your best interests are at stake, how can you defer?

My 50+ year old mother tries to control my behavior and my brothers to this day. I've learned not to let her control me that way, and though she still drags out the tears ever now and again, they are totally ignored. If she presses on to hysterics, we leave. The next discussion (her call not mine) always ignores the whole event.

One day your going to have to learn the art of the bluff MM, and realize old liberal parents searching for a control lever will do despicable things : for your own good.

<dons shiny aluminum suit with thick glass visor>

[This message has been edited by Ozzie223 (edited November 20, 1999).]
I AM 26 , my mother never cared about our guns. We never had a father so I guess she felt more protected with them in the house. by the time I was 21 I had a 44.magnum , a MAK-90 with 1000 rds of ammo , 2 shotguns , a SKS , and that was just my stuff. My brother is a Colt Goldcup nut , his C.G. with the mods cost over 2000. That's just his side arm.
Please note we were very poor , I worked a, lot of ****ty jobs to buy my guns.
My father and grandfather both think David and I are crazy. At Christmas dinner they asked why we needed guns at all. When I said cause at age 5 I became man of the house and as such my mothers .38 was all that stood between us and whatever scum thought we might be an easy mark , he shut his mouth.
Most of my friends have guns , love guns and understand that the 2nd amendment is all that stands between us and Klinton's NEW WORLD ORDER.

By the time the people realize what the 2nd amendment was for they will only be able to do so with regret and the memeory of what freedom was....
Parents worry. They dont want their child playing with dangerous toys. A lot of parents do not understand the violence that is out there and have no idea how to deal with it except through disassociation ahd pacifism.
Make up ypur own mind and if you choose to have guns tell your parents. And it would be nice to let then know that you have had expert training and can literally be trusted
with weapons.
Remember when you announced that you wanted a car??

Better days to be,

.....Or when I signed up for Football, Rugby, Muay Thai, traveled abroad, every girlfriend I've had, etc. etc.

I'm now convinced my parents are pretty lame, they should of adopted a girl instead.
Oh well, life goes on...